
We are using Oak 1.4.10 and solr 4.10.4

i send you also a pdf example: the searched word is "sezione"

In another document ([nt:file] that doesn't have childs) i'd want match only 
through metadata that contains the word "company"

Actually  i resolved the problem executing a query like this: select p.* from 
[nt:base] as p where ...... contains (p.*, "company") or contains (p.*, 

Then i explore (programmatically and after the query response) jcr nodes to set 
only nodes that are [nt:file]

Is it the correct approach ?

Thanks in advance,
best regards

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Tommaso Teofili [] 
Inviato: venerdì 24 marzo 2017 14:56
Cc: Diquigiovanni Simone <>
Oggetto: Re: problem on oak jcr sql2 query

It'd be helpful to also know the version of Oak and Solr you're using and, 
possibly, sample content you expect the query to match.


Il giorno ven 24 mar 2017 alle ore 14:54 Thomas Mueller <> ha 

> Could you post the index definition please?
> From: Ancona Francesco <>
> Reply-To: "" 
> <>
> Date: Thursday, 23 March 2017 at 15:19
> To: "" <>
> Cc: Diquigiovanni Simone <>
> Subject: problem on oak jcr sql2 query
> Hi all,
> we use SolrSrerver for fulltext searches; both on metadata both on 
> content binary.
> In general i have to find all nodes nt:file that contain the word 
> “company” or all nodes that have childs nt:resource that contain the 
> same word.
> Unfortunately if upload e file (so a node that is a nt:resource) and i 
> use this query SELECT p.* FROM [nt:file] as p where 
> contains(p.*,''company ')
> Solr find result  but the RowIterator doesn’t return anything.
> Instead the above query works
> SELECT p.* FROM [nt:resource] as p where contains(p.*,'company') But 
> doesn’t find nt:file nodes
> Can you help me ?
> Thanks in advance.
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