Hi Jorge

The https://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/security/user/groupaction.html are 
not directly related to permission evaluation. This is just an optional add on 
to perform specific verification or action upon modification of the set of 
members of a given group.... e.g. write a log message.

When it comes to permissions it all boils down to the set of principals 
contained in the Subject after the Repository login and whether that set of 
principals is granted permission to perform a given read/write action.

So, for simplicity let's look at the default setup as present with Oak out of 
the box:
- the default authentication will 
  > verify the passed Credentials object, 
  > lookup the user associated with the Credentials and get it's principal
  > resolve the declared and inherited group membership for that user and get 
the group principals
  > update the subject with the complete set of principals both for the user 
and it's groups
- the default authorization will
  > look at the permission entries for the set of principals and the target 
path and all it's ancestors
  > verify if a given action is granted (or denied) for any of the user 
principals or any of the group principals
  > if it is neither granted or explicitly denied, permission is not granted
  see https://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/security/permission.html and 
for details and examples.

So, back to your initial question:
If you take the default security setup of Oak, assign permissions to a group 
principal  at /test/path and assign your user to that group will result in your 
user inheriting the permissions of the group. if you remove the user from the 
group again, the subject upon login will no longer be populated with the group 
principal and therefore the user no longer inherits the permissions 
granted/denied to that group.
similarly, if you remove that permission entry again and persist the change, 
the test group and all of it's members will no longer get that permission 
granted/denied (assuming there is no other entry that has the same effect).

Kind regards

From: jorgeeflorez . <jorgeeduardoflo...@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2019 8:03 PM
To: oak-dev@jackrabbit.apache.org
Subject: Users, groups and permissions


I have been reading regarding Jackrabbit and Oak security and I think I
understand. but I would like to confirm before implementing something...
When I create a group and assign a permission (e.g. rep:write) to that
group over a node path.
If I assign an user to that group then the user will have the permission
that I gave to that group over that node?
If I remove that user from the group the permission will be removed?

>From what I understand from here
https://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/security/user/groupaction.html that
will not happen, and I will have to make it happen, am I right?


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