Hi, On 27.09.19, 14:39, "jorgeeflorez ." <jorgeeduardoflo...@gmail.com> wrote: > thank you for your reply. Yes, it seems pretty much impossible to do > that. Now I am trying something "simpler": I want to encrypt a file > before adding it to a node. I am able to do that, but I realize I will > lose text extraction because what FulltextBinaryTextExtractor will > receive is the encrypted file. Any ideas how can I manage to decrypt > before passing the file to tika?
Well, even if you manage to do this, you will have another problem. The lucene index files will contain data that allows someone with access to the files on disk to reconstruct the text in the document. I don't think there's a solution to your problem. I would still suggest the system should rely on encryption at rest mechanisms as supported by MongoDB. Regards Marcel