
I've been thinking about the read-only aspect of the CNS, and whether
it would be useful to relax this constraint. The primary driver (in the
Sling world) is that while content packages and repoinit allow easy
inspection of the payload so we can know ahead of time if anyone would
write to a non-default mount ( e.g. /apps ) there are two wildcards:

- bundle activators and OSGi components
- vault hooks

We cannot be sure that none of them will write in the repository in a
non-default mount, and for the sake of compatibility we could allow

There are two major constraints listed in the CNS documentation [1]:

- atomic commits across node stores
- oak subsystems that are not composite-aware

I would propose that we 'solve' these problems in the following ways:

1. Allow commits only over individual node stores, never commits that
span multiple stores
2. Validate that subsystems that are not composite-aware are not
affected. For instance, that no observation listeners are bound to
paths under non-default mounts.

The details are rough and my memory of the implementation is not that
good, but I would like to see what others think before committing to a


[1]: https://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/nodestore/compositens.html

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