Am 20.10.2020 um 14:43 schrieb Mayur Barge:
We are trying to migrate our old RDB Postgres repository to Mongo.
This is the command I have used

java -verbose -cp "oak-upgrade-1.34.0.jar:postgresql-42.2.17.jar"
org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.upgrade.cli.OakUpgrade --src-user=***
--src-password=*** 'jdbc:postgresql://SRC_HOST:5432/aaaa'

This transfers node, settings, clusternodes, and journal tables to Mongo.
We also have
abc_settings, abc_nodes, abc_journal, abc_clusternodes which is not
migrated. abc is our prefix.

If you do have *both* "nodes" and "abc_nodes", you have *two*
repositories, not one...

Could you please let us know the right way to run the command so it copies
prefixed tables as well ?

Prefixed table name support was deisgned for testing; not all of the
tools support them.

You probably need to extend oak-upgrade so that you can pass the table
prefix on the command line.

Best regards, Julian

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