I think that's fine. I think there's plenty of advocacy and support still
needed for OAuth 1.0, as it's in the wild now, that the need for the Google
Group is not going to go away.
The IETF list can be specifically (as you've suggested) about 1.1 work,
which means that 1.0 will be covered under a certain set IPR scheme, whereas
the 1.1 work will be under the IETF scheme (though hopefully something
stronger from the OWF).


On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 3:06 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav <e...@hueniverse.com>wrote:

>  I think the key for a successful IETF work is that most of the active
> OAuth members from the old list will join the new list as well. If you
> consider this simply a separation between 1.0 deployment and 1.1
> development, it doesn't really fracture the community. But either way I will
> be happy to bridge to two (and have been).
> On 12/18/08 2:43 PM, "Chris Messina" <chris.mess...@gmail.com> wrote:
> That sounds okay, but I am concerned about the fracturing of the OAuth 1.1
> work from the main OAuth community. Not that we shouldn't pursue this
> direction (as we already decided we should), but I'd like to know how we're
> going to bridge the social gap between these lists -- and keep one another
> informed of ongoing work.
> I presume that much of this will fall to Eran as the go-between, but who
> else is representing from the community side of OAuth on the IETF list and
> is willing to, from time to time, provide status updates and progress
> reports for implementors and adopters on this list?
> Just want to make sure that there's twoway visibility now that the IETF
> work is underway.
> Chris
> On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 1:42 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav <e...@hueniverse.com>
> wrote:
> There has been some discussion and confusion about the purpose of the three
> mailing lists and how they should be used moving forward. This is my
> suggestions:
> * oa...@ietf.org
> Home for the standardization effort taking place in the IETF. The effort
> has
> being labeled as "OAuth 1.1" but label has never been agreed on. The IETF
> is
> looking at producing a standard based on the OAuth Core 1.0 protocol with
> some potential changes and additions.
> That effort should produce the next iteration of the OAuth Core protocol
> and
> all *new work* related to the OAuth Core protocol should be move to the
> list. This is especially important to those who have strong opinions about
> what the next iteration of the spec should look like, and how many changes
> should be allowed from the 1.0 specification.
> * oauth@googlegroups.com
> This is the main community list for the adoption of the OAuth Core 1.0
> specification. This is the place to go for interoperability issues,
> developer support, questions about the specification, evangelism work, and
> general community communication that is not about the protocol itself.
> OAuth Core 1.0 is a stable and final specification and as such, can and
> should be adopted (today). It is hard to tell how long it will take the
> process to produce a final specification (which is not guaranteed), and it
> is unlikely for a final spec to be completed in under a year.
> Therefore, the OAuth Core 1.0 specification is the only official final work
> available and the only one that should be adopted at this point. There is
> absolutely no reason to wait for some unknown specification to be produced
> at a later stage as OAuth already provides a working framework.
> * oauth-extensi...@googlegroups.com
> This list (which has not been very active lately) is the place for
> technical
> discussions about additions and changes to the OAuth specification that are
> not covered by the IETF charter. Since the charter is still being worked
> on,
> extensions discussions should be happening on the IETF list until decided
> they are out of scope and at that point move here.
> ---
> Other suggestions? Feedback?
> _______________________________________________
> oauth mailing list
> oa...@ietf.org
> https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/oauth

Chris Messina
Citizen-Participant &
 Open Technology Advocate-at-Large
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