On Apr 18, 6:56 pm, "webmaster.xsoluti...@googlemail.com"
<webmaster.xsoluti...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm a noobie to OAuth so I tried OAuthHelper out.
> I started with
>         OAuthHelper a = new OAuthHelper("cmdline.properties");
>         a.execute("request");
>         a.execute("authorize");
> I copied the URL to the browser and authorized my Application.
> After that I tried
>         OAuthHelper a = new OAuthHelper("cmdline.properties");
>         a.execute("access");
> I keep seeing
> Exception in thread "main" net.oauth.OAuthProblemException: HTTP/1.1
> 401 Unauthorized
> In the cmdline.properties I have the following properties:
> requestToken=xxx
> authorizationUrl=http\://twitter.com/oauth/authorize
> consumerSecret=xxx
> accessUrl=http://twitter.com/oauth/access_token
> user_id=xxx
> tokenSecret=xxx
> requestUrl=http\://twitter.com/oauth/request_token
> consumerKey=xxx
> (Yes, I'm going to use it to my Twitter Client.)
> I have no idea what could I miss. I appreciate any help.
> Thanks,
> Martina

Can you paste the raw HTTP request (including the headers)?


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