I'd like to point out that anyone can organize one of these events wherever
they are — this need not happen in the Bay Area exclusively!
Moreover, I encourage folks to get together and talk through this threat,
how to exploit it and then develop solutions or fixes to what you came up
with, face to face. These meetings can be as small as two people or as large
as 20. It's up to you, so long as you're able to surface your learnings to
this list, where we can all review and consider different approaches and

OAuth is certainly not a west-coast only technology — and I'd love to see
more folks getting together *wherever they are* and proposing solutions
here, than focusing solely on what comes out of the Bay Area (speaking as a
Bay Area resident).


On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 10:55 PM, Luca Mearelli <luca.meare...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 11:42 PM, Leah Culver <leah.cul...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > OAuth Meetup
> > Tuesday, Apr 28th at 5pm
> I'd have liked to participate (via conf call) but it's 2AM here in Italy
> :-)
> so I'll try to contribute via the ML, thanks for organizing it
> Luca
> >

Chris Messina
Citizen-Participant &
 Open Web Advocate

factoryjoe.com // diso-project.org // openid.net // vidoop.com
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