
Almost all of the proposed solution attempt to minimize the
possibility that user at B is NOT the same as user at C.

is what it should say...

On Apr 25, 10:19 pm, pkeane <> wrote:
> Here is an attempt to help spell out the OAuth security in simple
> terms and thus provide a framework to judge various proposed fixes.  I
> float this as either a useful shared assumption OR a strawman to knock
> down so the the issue can be addressed in some other way.
> Eran, in his explanation, outlined there steps that are not connected
> but *need* to be connected for the protocol to be secure.
> A. user initiates a consumer-to-provider handshake
> B. user logs in to provider (or verifies they are logged in) and
> authorizes this handshake from the provider side
> C. now back at the consumer, users does useful things based on the
> securely transacted handshake
> The OAuth spec MUST accomplish either of the following to close the
> security hole:
> 1. verify that the user at A is the same user at B
> 2. verify that the user at B is the same user at C
> Almost all of the proposed solution attempt to minimize the
> possibility that user at B is the same as user at C.  Is that enough?
> It's true that actual "verification" will impact the user experience
> negatively (as actual authentication/verification inevitably does).
> It's probably worth thinking about what "verification" means and how
> that might be achieved.  Otherwise, I think the community needs to
> decide if "minimizing possibility" is enough.
> --peter keane
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