In my relatively uneducated opinion, one major security benefit of using
OAuth for client apps is that the client is only provided with an access
token for the service and not the user's password.
If the access token and consumer secret are compromised, then either can be
revoked, either by the user (in the case of the access token) or by the
provider (in the case of the consumer secret). In most provider
implementations a request authorized with an access token is not allowed to
update certain aspects of the user's account, such as the password.

If the client requires the user to input their password (for example,
Google's ClientLogin protocol) and the client becomes compromised, then the
password is exposed, allowing full access to the user's account. Game over.

In my mind, this is *the* reason I want clients I use to use OAuth rather
than a username/password login scheme.

I would be happy with another token-based login scheme as well, but OAuth is
a perfectly good, publicly reviewed standard and I see no reason why a
provider should cook up a bespoke token-based authorization scheme when
OAuth is available and works for clients.


On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 9:24 AM, Zhihong <> wrote:

> In my opinion, you don't add much security by using OAuth on client
> because there is no way to keep the secret. However, many people still
> do it. It may raise the hurdle for hacking a little, but not much.


> Zhihong

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