Indeed - tis an invaluable list!


The work we did together was to create a *VERY* simple OAuth provider
and consumer in PHP/MySQL. This was to give me a hands on feel for the
spec and also overcome some of the ambiguities that it lays down. Not
because the specs are bad - the nature of such a "theoretical"
document leaves many parts up to the choice of the developer.

For example, by implementing OAuth I'm having to rethink the way my
current login scripts behave and interact with the new tokens - I've
decided to do a complete rehaul of these routines which will actually
simplify the process, rather cool!

Before Fangel came over, my biggest stumbling block was actually
*where* should I start coding? As its broken up into parts that all
rely on each other, it seemed a bit like trying to figure out where to
bite a basketball to start eating it... (what an odd metaphor!)


Because times are pretty hectic (I'm busy setting up a new company
with my brother) I can't commit any time at the moment to contribute
to the project. HOWEVER, I do plan on creating a very simple consumer
that both explains OAuth and provides sample HTML/Javascript code for
people to dissect - this is so that contributors to our project have a
good starting point to develop their code, I'll be *very* happy to
give this back to the community!

Cheers for responding :)
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