We are working on a PHP application that uses OAuth to allow users to
grant access to their Google Contacts.  Using the OAuth PHP extension
and a MySQL table to store granted access tokens, the process is
working great on our development server (hosted on a subdomain of the
main application domain).  However, I've attempted to implement the
same process on our staging server (hosted on a different subdomain)
for QA testing, and am now getting the error page that states:

"Sorry, there seems to be a problem. The service you're looking for is
temporarily unavailable. We're working hard to restore your access as
soon as possible. Please try again in a few hours. Thanks for your

after granting access to the application at the
https://www.google.com/accounts/OAuthAuthorizeToken URL.

We have registered each subdomain with Google separately and therefore
have different consumer keys and secrets for each.  And of course the
Target URL Prefixes are different in their domain names.  Other than
that, however, there is no difference between the successful code on
the development server and the unsuccessful code on the staging

I haven't been able to find any information on possible causes and so
concluded that I'd best ask here.  Please let me know if there is any
additional information I can provide about the process we're using.

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