
The trick here is THE THIRD PARTY (referred to in the last words of Eve's message), who is effectively a witness to the transaction. (This works pretty much like when you want to switch your telephone provider. You would be transferred to the third party to confirm your request.) Absent of the private-key signature, this is the only known way to ensure non-repudiation.


Dick Hardt wrote:

On 2010-03-12, at 10:22 AM, Eve Maler wrote:

This nets out to the requesting party (person or company seeking access) having an incentive to say "It's really me accessing this", such that it mitigates the risk that the requester (client) will hand off both the access token and the signing secret to a third party.

Note I am NOT a security expert, and would appreciate an education on where I am wrong.

When I look at this, I question if there really is that much more value in the Client having two secret items over one secret item. I can see an advantage with something like using RAS, in that only the Client should have the private key, and if the private key can be used for lots of things, then there is some difference between a token and the private key. With symmetric keys, multiple parties have the keys, so non-repudiation is not possible.

-- Dick

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