On 2010-05-01, at 3:48 PM, Luke Shepard wrote:

> I agree with approach #3.
> As for the delimiter, I'm fine if the spec wants to do space-delimited. 
> Just FYI Facebook will also continue to support and document commas in 
> addition to whatever the spec says, because spaces are typically URL-encoded 
> while commas are considered reserved characters and so not encoded. It's 
> easier to write "read,write" than "read%20write".

Just in case it was not evident: a comma is a valid URL character, it would be 
legal for it to be contained in a URL scope, leading a library parsing scopes 
to inadvertently split up a single scope into one or more. Since the proposal 
says a scope can be a URI/URL, a space is a better delimiter.

-- Dick
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