
I'm also looking at the assertion flow right now
and wondering if I could use it to  "swap" a
Kerberos service-ticket for an OAuth Access-Token.

In particular, I would like to:

(1) Wrap the KRB AP_REQ message within a SAML-assertion
(eg. using the existing WSS Token Profile standard),

(2) Deliver it using the OAuth assertion flow to a special
Kerberized-service (or IdP or OP), who then verifies
the Authenticator and Service-Ticket within
the AP_REQ message.

(3) Obtain in return an OAuth Access-Token with
the same lifetimes/expiration as defined in the original
service-ticket (in the AP_REQ request).

(4) Present the Access-Token to an OAuth Resource Server.

(ps. Alternatively, I could use the Kerberos delegation feature
but that may be more complicated).

I think Section 3.10 needs more fleshing-out.



From: [] On Behalf Of Lisa 
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2010 1:33 PM
To: oauth
Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Assertion flow and token bootstrapping

I've been trying to understand the use case for the assertion flow 
( .  Conversely, 
I have a use case for bootstrapping, and I'm trying to understand if the 
assertion flow is the right flow for that use case.

The bootstrapping use case I have in mind is to allow a client to interact with 
a related set of services by bootstrapping from client secret to an access 
token, and then from that access token to other access tokens.  For example, in 
a "login" interaction the client would get a generic access token.  Later, to 
use various services -- access to personal data, access to friends' data, 
attempts to do uploads -- the client would ask the security token server for 
access to new resources by URI, and if access was granted, receive new access 
tokens which could be used on those services.  The client secret is not reused 
very often, and policy is centralized.

This seems similar to other use cases being discussed and so it's possible my 
main point of confusion is trying to tie this to the assertion flow instead of 
something else.

The assertion flow has the right number of parties involved, and it could 
certainly be hacked/extended to do bootstrapping: instead of the client secret, 
the general session access token could be used, and the "assertion" field can 
contain anything including the URI of the service that the client now wants.  
However I wondered if something less generic could make this more interoperable.

Any thoughts?

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