To directly address the 3 issues in Brian C's summary:

1) I haven't seen any strong use-cases for the issuing of refresh tokens 
either, but we do find the SHOULD NOT language to be strong enough.

2) We support client_id being optional, and will have need for it.    No 
support for mandatory, nor do we have any intent to use client_secret with this 

3) Yaron's suggestion of adding assertion as an authentication type does have 
some merit.   It basically would allow an alternate client authentication 
mechanism beyond the client_secret, allowing for a variety of strategies that 
would keep the secret off the wire.

One approach would be to:

 *   Add optional language to section 2 as Yaron has suggested.   Personally I 
would stick with name/value definitions of "assertion_format" and "assertion" 
parameters as defined in 4.1.3    These could be used as an alternative for 
client authentication in any request that normally used client_secret.    For 
instance, you could send a grant_type=authorization-code and include an 
assertion to identify the client, rather than the shared secret.
 *   Change the authorization grant_type to make client_id optional (already 
planned), and simply reference assertion & assertion_format from section 2 as 

This seems like it would meet the goals of the folks that want to do 2-legged 
oauth with assertions, by leaving the fundamentals of section 4.1.3 in place, 
as well as expand the capabilities for assertions to be used as authentication, 
which is what Yaron is asking for.


On 7/9/10 1:49 AM, "Mark Mcgloin" <> wrote:

Agree, good summary Brian C

I still haven't seen the use case for refresh tokens with assertion flow!
We can control that server side but it is easier to just implement the spec
as is.

It seems insecure granting a refresh token with potentially longer life
than the assertion. Do people intent on using refresh tokens with
assertions intend to link the two?

Mark McGloin

On 08/07/2010 23:49 Brian Eaton wrote:

Nice summary, thanks Brian!

I think there is a third issue as well, i.e. what the use case for
client_id actually is.

I think Chuck's use case has client_id used to disambiguate the purpose of
the SAML assertion.  We have a similar use case, both for SAML assertions
and three-legged OAuth approvals, but I don't think overloading client_id
for that is wise.


On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 3:34 PM, Chuck Mortimore <>
  That sounds like a very accurate description to me.


  On 7/8/10 3:27 PM, "Brian Campbell" <> wrote:

        Maybe I'm the only one having a hard time following this thread but
        suspect I'm not alone.   I'm going to try and just summarize the
        issues - mostly for my own edification but hopefully this may help
        others too.  Please let me know if I'm off base.

        The thread originally started with a discussion of the assertion
        type as it's now called in -09 section 4.1.3 @ and
        there seemed to be two points of contention specifically about it:

        1) Should returning a refresh token be allowed?   Currently the
        in that section says, "The authorization server SHOULD NOT issue a
        refresh token."   Some folks feel that is sufficient but some feel
        should be a MUST NOT.

        2) Should client authentication be required/optional/forbidden when
        requesting an access token via an assertion grant type.   The text
        -09 makes it sound like it might be mandatory (because of text in
        No one thinks mandatory is a good idea.  Eran indicated that the
        intent was for it to be optional and -10 would reflect that.   Some
        people feel that client authentication in the assertion grant type
        necessary/confusing and should explicitly forbidden rather than

        More recently the thread has turned to a discussion of client
        authentication and if/how the spec should allow for clients to
        authenticate themselves to the token endpoint using means other
        the client_secret.  Section 2 leaves
        means of client authentication pretty open, it seems, but then only
        provides normative guidance for "Basic Client Credentials" in

        I believe that Yaron is auguring for a something that might become
        section 2.2 called "Assertion Client Credentials."  But this is not
        related to the assertion grant type (especially if client
        authentication is forbidden from that grant type request).

        How's my characterization of this?  If it's accurate, I think
        value in realizing that there are two pretty distinct issues in
        question here and I feel like some of the conversations around
        "assertions" have been confused by mixing the two.  I'm not, at
        point, arguing the merits of anything - just first trying to make
        we are arguing about the same things.

        -Brian Campbell

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