Folks interested in protected feeds may be interested in UMA's solution, which 
proposes mechanisms to demand "claims" from the requesting side based on 
user-specified policyon the authorizing server side.  An example of 
UMA-protected resources that require agreement to terms can be seen in the 
SMART project documented here (if you want, you can sign up to take part in a 
UX study they're conducting right now:

More general info about UMA is here:

Note that UMA is OAuth-based and tries to make its profiling and extensions as 
small as possible to achieve its requirements, but I suspect its requirements 
list is a bit longer/more comprehensive than what is described below.


On 28 Jul 2010, at 1:28 PM, Darren Bounds wrote:

> Please excuse the cross posting.
> Following the Federated Social Web Summit in Portland a couple weeks
> ago, there has been a lot of chatter around protected feeds and how
> they'll function to achieve SWAT0
> (  Protected feed
> subscriptions are clearly an important component of DiSo and necessary
> for features like remote follow/friending.
> During the summit Brett Stlakin published and discussed a document
> ( where he proposes one technique for
> how OAuth may be used with PuSH to achieve the requirements. The
> proposal details an OAuth 2 flow (in addition to OAuth 1x) for
> handling a usecase that involves ToS acknowledgement before a
> protected feed subscription may be granted. The flow is essentially
> the web server client profile combined with the assertion grant type.
> While the flow will work and achieve the goals it also has a
> fundamental need for a user-agent redirect, something that not all
> providers may desire or require.
> What I'd like to propose is a variant of the assertion grant type that
> would make the user-agent redirect optional. The goal here was to stay
> within the bounds of the current spec where ever possible. That said;
> it may be desirable to break this out into it's own client profile.
> The flow detailed below is using the OAuth 2 scenario described in
> Brett's document (
> 1) would like to request an access token from
> Sends a request with grant_type=assertion.
> Request:
> POST /token HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
> grant_type=assertion&assertion_type=;
> assertion=eyJ1cmkiOiAiYWNjdDpkYm91bmRzQGNsaXFzZXQuY29tIiwibWFnaWNfc2lnbmF0dXJlIjogImFzZGxra2xhZnNkamtsZHNmamxraj0ifQ==
> The assertion value in the request is a Base64 encoded JSON string
> with two properties, uri and magic_signature. Example:
> {
> "uri": "",
> "magic_signature": "asdlkklafsdjkldsfjlkj="
> }
> Response:
> HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> Content-Type: application/json
> Cache-Control: no-store
> {
> "access_token":"supersecrettoken"
> "precondition_uri","
> "code","myrandomcode123"
> }
> The access token response introduces two new optional properties:
> precondition_uri and code
> The existence of a precondition_uri means the consumer will be
> required to redirect the user to this uri in order to complete the
> activation of the provided access token.
> The precondition_uri resource has the same characteristics of the
> OAuth 2.0 Web Server client profile with the ‘state’ property being
> used to maintain state between the assertion request and the user
> redirect. Successful acknowledgement of the precondition results in a
> 302 response with the code provided in the assertion response (see
> example below).
> The existence of a code is required upon the presence of a precondition_uri.
> If no precondition_uri is provided, the access token should be
> considered active and immediately usable barring any provider specific
> back-end authorization (e.g. user acceptance of remote follow).
> 2) access token received optional precondition_uri. Issuing user
> redirect to precondition_uri with redirect_uri.
> Request:
> GET 
> /oauth/authorize?state=opaquevalue&response_type=token&
> HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User acknowledges the precondition. This could be any number of
> activities, including authenticating.
> Response:
> HTTP/1.1 302 Found
> Location:
> 3) Subscription has been authorized. ToS has been acknowledged. Compete.
> The consumer is able to activate the access_token by confirming the
> code provided in the redirect.
> This flow offers what we feel are several significant advantages over
> the hybrid approach.
> 1) Redirection becomes optional and is only required when the
> precondition_uri is defined by the provider in the access token
> response.
> 2) For providers who require TOS acknowledgement, it enables
> additional flexibility in how they go about it. For example, if a
> provider only requires TOS acknowledgement on the initial subscription
> request by a given user, subsequent requests will not provide a
> precondition_uri.
> 3) It is also worth exploring this flow as a suitable and more
> flexible alternative to the traditional Web Server flow.
> Questions? Comments? Suggestions?
> -- 
> darren bounds
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