On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 1:41 PM, Thomas Hardjono <hardj...@mit.edu> wrote:
> Apologies for the late comments (below).

And apologies for my late reply.

> > What about the two bullets on AuthnStatement?
> >
> >    o  If the assertion issuer authenticated the subject, the assertion
> >       SHOULD contain a single <AuthnStatement> representing that
> >       authentication event.
> >
> >    o  If the assertion was issued with the intention that the client
> > act
> >       autonomously on behalf of the subject, an <AuthnStatement> SHOULD
> >       NOT be included.
> My first reaction on seeing the first bullet is that
> the assertion MUST (instead of SHOULD) contain
> a single <AuthnStatement> representing that authentication event.
> Not sure if this is too strong.

I'm not sure either, to be honest.  I was on the fence between
MUST/SHOULD and MUST NOT/SHOULD NOT in those two bullets respectively.
  Perhaps you are right and the stronger language is warranted.

> Secondly, is it implicit in Oauth-v2-10 that the
> Authorization Server is able to process
> XML signatures (xmldsig). I'm presuming that if
> the Authorization Server can deal with SAML assertions,
> then it can handle digital signatures.

Yeah, not all authz servers will support this, of course, but those
that do will need to be able to do XML signatures.
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