Sounds great Eran,

> 1. Add a parameter to the token response to include an extensible token 
> scheme.

Yes. I suggest a parameter named "scheme". The value can be an HTTP 
authentication scheme name (eg "scheme":"BASIC") for which the response is 
providing credentials. Not all possibilities are HTTP authentication schemes 
but they can be assigned pseudo-HTTP-auth-scheme-names (eg "scheme":"TLS-PSK").

> The default (if omitted) will be whatever the bearer token scheme is called.

May as well include the bearer token scheme name (ie don't bother with a 
default). Might even be convenient to use the scheme name as a JSON key in a 
token response.



    "basic":{"userid":"jim","password":"beer2"} }

> 2. Break the core specification into multiple parts.

Yes. Hopefully the "using a token" parts don't have to be OAuth-specific. They 
might not even use the term "token". A signature spec could use an "id" and 
"key", without caring whether or not those items came from a "getting a token" 
response or from a config file.

> 3. Introduce two signature proposals in one or more documents, for the JSON 
> token and 1.0a-like method.

Yes. Separate docs for each signature proposal sounds best to me.

> --- Benefits


> 2. Solve a few open issues:


> * The need to decide on discovery for the entire protocol (moves it to each 
> scheme).

I don't think it removes much of the need for discovery.

Apps still need to discover that OAuth delegation can be used to access a 
resource (and where to send the user). I suspect the token response performs 
some of the discovery related to specific schemes (eg the response says "here 
is a token to use with the 'BEARER' scheme", or "here is an id for this 
delegation and a secret to used in signature scheme XYZ".


James Manger

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