From: Prateek Mishra
>But as far as signing the request for a protected resource (signature over
>access token, client_id, scope,  URL, request body) - isn't this requirement
>is a simple consequence of network architecture wherein an SSL connection
>may terminate quite early at the resource server site? There may be a good
>number of hops between SSL termination and the resource server.

If you don't trust SSL to do its job, you might as well drop it from the 

Tim Freeman
Desk in Palo Alto: (650) 857-2581
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From: [] On Behalf Of 
George Fletcher
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2010 7:12 AM
To: Prateek Mishra
Cc: OAuth WG
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Signatures...what are we trying to solve?

Hi Prateek,

I think that message signing has a number of benefits. The one you state is as 
important as any others. I was just writing up one use case as a justification 
for signatures. Not trying to cover them all:)

Looking forward to your feedback.


On 10/7/10 9:57 AM, Prateek Mishra wrote:

I will comment at a later time on the details of your use-case.

But as far as signing the request for a protected resource (signature over 
access token, client_id, scope,  URL, request body) - isn't this requirement is 
a simple consequence of network architecture wherein an SSL connection may 
terminate quite early at the resource server site? There may be a good number 
of hops between SSL termination and the resource server. So I am not sure that 
we need a business use-case to justify the need for signatures as a means of 
addressing the threat that the message may altered at the resource server site, 
before it is presented to a particular resource server.

I guess this is a bit different from the motivation for request message signing 
you described in

- prateek

Hi Zachary,

Here is a use case for signed messages. I've tried to keep this in the format 
of the other OAuth use cases. Please contact me off-list if there are editorial 
changes required. I've include the list to see if others have feed back on this 
use case.


Use case: Signed Messages


Alice manages all her personal health records in her personal health data store 
(<>). Alice's Primary 
Care Physician (<>) recommends 
that Alice see a sleep specialist 
(<>). Alice arrives at 
the sleep specialist's office and authorizes it to access her basic health data 
from her PCP. The application at<> verifies that Alice has 
authorized<> to 
access her health data as well as enforces that<> is the only 
application that can retrieve that data with that specific authorization.


* Alice has a personal health data store that allows for discovery of her 
participating health systems (e.g. psychiatrist, sleep specialist, pcp, 
orthodontist, ophthalmologist, etc).
* The application at<> 
manages authorization of access to Alice's participating health systems
* The application at<> 
can issues authorization tokens understood by Alice's participating health 
* The application at<> stores 
Alice's basic health and prescription records
* The application at<> stores results 
of Alice's sleep tests

* A successful procedure results in just the information that Alice authorized 
being transferred from the Primary Care Physician 
(<>) to the sleep specialist 
* The transfer of health data only occurs if the application at<> can verify that<> is the party 
requesting access and that the authorization token presented by<> is issued by the 
application at<> with a 
restricted audience of<>

* The application at<> accesses<> to discover the 
location of the PCP system (XRD discovery)
* The application at<> requests Alice to 
authorize access to the application at<> for the purpose of retrieving 
basic health data (e.g. date-of-birth, weight, height, etc). The mechanism 
Alice uses to authorize this access is out of scope for this use case.
* The application at<> 
issues a token bound to<> for access to the 
application at<>. Note that a 
signed token (JWT) can be used to prove who issued the token.
* The application at<> constructs a 
request (includes the token issued by<>) to the application 
* The application at<> signs the request 
before sending it to<>
* The application at<> receives 
the request and verifies the signature
* The application at<> parses the 
message and finds the authorization token
* The application at<> verifies 
the signature of the authorization token
* The application at<> parses the 
authorization token and verifies that this token was issued to the application 
* The application at<> retrieves 
the requested data and returns it to the application at<>

On 9/28/10 12:27 PM, Zeltsan, Zachary (Zachary) wrote:
These use cases are not in the draft
Could you write them up?


[] On Behalf Of George Fletcher
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 11:39 AM
To: OAuth WG
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Signatures...what are we trying to solve?

I think of the signature issues as falling into two classes... I think they map 
to your classification as well...

 *   Signing tokens is important for interoperability especially looking 
forward to a time when tokens issued by multiple Authorization Servers are 
accepted at a given host.
 *   Signing messages is important because it provides a mechanism to ensure 
that the entity making the API call (and presenting an access token) is really 
the entity that is allowed to make the API call.
Signing messages applies to the re-delegation use cases. I've heard the need 
for this class of use cases from both the hData (health data) community as well 
as the user managed access (UMA) community.

Signing tokens covers both your second class of tokens as well as another use 
case that Eran has mentioned as well. Namely, a protected resource server 
honoring tokens from multiple Authorization Servers.

These are the two classes of use cases that I'd like to see solved.


On 9/28/10 12:58 AM, David Recordon wrote:
If you know me then you'll know that I'm generally one of the last people to 
talk about Alice and Bob. That said, there are a lot of technical proposals 
flying across the list with very little shared understanding of the problem(s) 
we're trying to solve.

>From what I've seen there are two distinct classes of signature use cases.
1) The first is where the HTTP request parameters must be part of the 
signature. An example is any OAuth 1.0a style API where you want to make sure 
that the HTTP POST your server just received isn't masquerading itself as a GET.
2) The second is where the HTTP request is orthogonal. An example is OpenSocial 
where the server is sending state information to the client such as what user 
is currently logged in.

The main practical example I have of the first use case is what Twitter wants 
to do with redelegation. In this case TweetDeck can't given TwitPic it's own 
bearer token, but needs to sign the POST request and pass that signature to 
TwitPic for it to include in the final API request to Twitter.

In terms of signing protected resource requests, I haven't heard anyone bring 
up specific and detailed needs for this recently.

JSON tokens pretty clearly make sense for the second class of signature use 
cases and it's actually a bit hard to argue why they would be a part of OAuth. 
Facebook shipped this a bit over a month ago for canvas applications. We 
include a `signed_request` parameter which is signature.base64url(JSON). 
Parsing it is 18 lines of PHP.

This second class of use case will also be required by OpenID Connect where the 
server is signing identity information and sending it to the client. I imagine 
that OpenSocial will also still have it and wish to continue relying on public 
key algorithms.

So a few questions:
 * Do we want to tackle both of these classes of signatures in OAuth?
 * Why do you consider the second class part of OAuth versus something 
completely separate that might happen to include an OAuth access token?
 * Is the Twitter redelegation use case the right focus for the first class?
 * Is there an example of an OAuth 2.0 server that can't use bearer tokens for 
protected resource requests and thus requires signatures?



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