A comment on Mike's comment on the idea of a "resource" parameter...

On 24 Nov 2010, at 11:31 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav wrote:

> Thanks Mike! Comments inline.
>> Normative Issues
>> 4.1, 4.2, 4.3.1, 5, 5.2, 5.3.1, 6.2, 6.2.1 "Scope" parameter should be 
>> paired with
>> complimentary "resource" parameter
> I am more inclined to drop 'scope' than to include 'resource'. Scope as 
> currently defined can easily accommodate resource - we specifically chose 
> space-delimited to allow URI values. If you want a new parameter, *you* will 
> have to build consensus. Not wearing my editor hat, I'm -1.

Over in UMA-land we've had to solve for this because our use cases anticipate 
protecting arbitrary resources, not just singular APIs, and because our loosely 
coupled resource server and authorization server components need to communicate 
about this stuff in an organized fashion.

After many months of discussion, as well as UX and implementation work by 
various participants, in the last week we finally got consensus around having 
two parts (resource sets and actions, the latter being a close analogue to 
today's OAuth scopes) rather than a single flat scope namespace.  The 
degenerate case could be very much like today's common practice, but we believe 
it handles a lot more use cases.

There's still work to do to propagate information in this two-part form 
throughout the protocol flow (which is what Mike was directly suggesting), but 
at least we now have a conceptual foundation for doing that.  If there is 
consensus here for adding a parameter, it would make UMA's life easier as we 
wouldn't have to invent anything weird and nonstandard. :-)

See the "Resource Registration" spec link from our Working Drafts page for more 
info; if there's sufficient interest, we could contribute it as an IETF I-D 



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