Hi all,

while we are hopefully coming to an end with the main specification (and the two other WG items) I need to put text for re-chartering together. The entire process typically takes a little while because

* I need your feedback (hence this mail) of what you guys want to work on
* I have to draft a charter text (and the group needs to be happy with it)
* the IESG (who receives the charter text) also needs to agree with it
* finally the documents need to be submitted as working group items and progressed in the group.

While a few of you have responded already to an earlier query (see http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/oauth/current/msg04352.html) there wasn't enough feedback.

Again, here are the documents that have been put forward. When you express interest for a specific item please also provide a bit of additional information. For example, it would be good to know whether you are willing to do reviews, whether you even have time to co-author the specification, whether you want to implement or deploy a specific mechanism, etc. It is quite simply: if there is no interest in the work (other than from the authors) then it does not make sense to turn it into a working group item. If there is nobody who wants to review or edit the document then we cannot pick it up either.

Also note that these document are only used as a *starting point* and they are very likely going to change as we work on them. Feel free to express your thoughts about the content as well. Would be nice to know whether you think that the document needs to be, for example, enhanced in a specific direction.

Long introduction - here are the documents:

A) Simple Web Discovery (SWD)

B) HTTP Authentication: MAC Authentication

C) Token Revocation

D) OAuth 2.0 Device Profile

E) OAuth 2.0 User Experience Extension

F) Request by Reference ver.1.0 for OAuth 2.0

G) OAuth Dynamic Client Registration Protocol

H) OAuth Use Cases

I) OAuth Client Instance Extension      

J) XML Encoding for OAuth 2     

K) OAuth 2.0 support for the Kerberos V5 Authentication Protocol

Please let me know if I have forgotten something.

I also hope that Torsten is able to submit a security document soon!


PS: You may notice that I haven't placed http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-jones-json-web-token-01 on the list yet since I believe we will get push-back from the IESG on that item at the moment.

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