The use case is very straightforward:

- SAML provides session management. Facebook Connect provides session
management. Both use cookies. These are authentication protocols but common
usages of both SAML and FB Connect imply authorization grants.
- OpenID2.0 does not provide session management. This has proven to reduce
the value of OpenID and make it unsuitable for many scenarios.

We would like federation protocols based on OAuth2 to be high-value. We
would rather that they not be be hacks built on top of OAuth2. That means
that we need a first-order concept of cookie. A cookie can be refreshed
independent of the grant associated with it. A cookie is something the
client holds on to that identifies the user (i.e., it's for user-client
authentication), but that the client is happy to outsource the management of
security/crypto/logged-in/logged-out state to the server.

The cookie is produced and returned by the server, in combination with a
grant, but it can be refreshed independently.

This is a solid and proven use case, and is of fundamental value to many
planned OAuth2 implementations.

On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 4:12 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav <>wrote:

> You need to define how this proposed extension works with the overall
> architecture.
> This is not just an endpoint people can bastardize (I am not suggesting **
> you** are) as they see fit. It must fit with the overall model which is
> that this endpoint returns either an access token or an authorization grant.
> An authorization grant has to be exchanged for an access token.
> If you are going to return something else, instead or in addition to the
> token/code options, you need to explain how it fits within the model. I am
> opposed to an open-ended extension point that is not consistent (and
> restricted) to the model we spent a year to define and refine. The
> token+code response type was well defined (it was the use case that wasn’t).
> To move this forward, you need to come up with specific requirements, not
> just making something extensible without understanding what it is you are
> trying to extend. That’s like the OAuth 1.0 utterly broken oauth_version
> parameter and the long confusion it created later on.
> *From:* Breno []
> *Sent:* Thursday, February 17, 2011 1:58 PM
> *To:* Eran Hammer-Lahav
> *Cc:*
> *Subject:* Re: [OAUTH-WG] Freedom of assembly for response_type
> On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 1:51 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav <>
> wrote:
> The best approach (at this point) is to leave the spec unchanged. However,
> another spec can update the definition of the response_type parameter,
> including defining a registry or other methods for extensibility.
> We can define this now, and it will not have any impact on existing code,
> but I am leery of adding yet another extensibility vector without sufficient
> requirement. I also think that adding extension parameters can handle this
> cleanly.
> The spec, as currently written does not imply that the only possible values
> are 'code' and 'token'. The only concern is that libraries may implement
> such restriction and make extending this behavior different.
> I do not think that extension parameters can handle this cleanly. In
> particular, if the response_type is neither code nor token.
> *From:* [] *On Behalf
> Of *Breno
> *Sent:* Thursday, February 17, 2011 10:30 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [OAUTH-WG] Freedom of assembly for response_type
> - Problem 1: Several WG participants are working on deploying a federated
> signon protocol based on OAuth2 (aka OpenIDConnect) and would like to return
> an additional 'session cookie' together with the auth_token. Or sometimes
> return only a cookie as the result of authorization, since cookies will
> likely have shorter lifetimes than access tokens, for security and usability
> reasons, and require more frequent refresh requirements. In any case, there
> aremultiple reasons for making the cookie separate from the auth_token,
> including both security and flexibility of deployment. However, there is no
> way to express this except adding an arbitrary extension parameter (to
> effectively express a different response type).
> - Problem 2: Codification of code_and_token created controversy as there
> was not enough traction among participants to put it in the core. However,
> it is entirely possible that deployment experience will lead players to
> revisit this topic.
> - Proposed solution:
> 1. Allow response_type to be a space separated list of arbitrary strings
> E.g.:
> response_type=code
> response_type=token
> response_type=code+token
> response_type=cookie
> response_type=code+cookie
> response_type=token+cookie
> response_type=foo+bar
> Would all be syntactically valid responses from the perspective of OAuth2.0
> Core response_type values.
> 2. Define behaviors in the core only for values 'code' and 'token'. Allow
> extensions to define what do with 'code+token' or with any other values or
> combinations of values.
> --
> Breno de Medeiros
> --
> Breno de Medeiros

Breno de Medeiros
OAuth mailing list

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