A few comments on parts of the OAuth 2.0 Threat Model and Security 

*         [2.1. Scope] "Resource server URLs are static and well-known at 
development time" is a very strong assumption. It eliminates much of the value 
of having an OAuth standard (reducing it to aiding some shared code between 
service-provider libraries). Does a "static and well-known" resource that 
redirects elsewhere, or includes links to other resources still meet this 

*         [3.1. Tokens] An "authorization code" doesn't have to be a "handle 
token". It could be an "assertion".

*         [3.1. Tokens] A token is called "opaque" when the client app (not the 
resource server) doesn't need to know anything about its internal structure.

*         [3.1. Tokens] "MAC" stands for "Message Authentication Code", not 
"Mutual Authentication". In fact, there is no mutual authentication in the MAC 
HTTP authentication scheme.

*         [3.5. Redirect-URI] A client's redirect URI does not have to be 
pre-registered - that is just a policy choice by some services. I don't think 
pre-registration helps much when using a web server flow as the redirect-URI is 
repeated in the client-authenticated request for an access token.

*         [3.6. Access Token] Using POST cannot "ensure no logging". A best, it 
minimizes the risk of sensitive values appearing in the authz server's logs. A 
cache-control header can avoid caching regardless of the HTTP method.

*         [3.6. Access Token] A short lifetime for a token doesn't "enable the 
possibility of revocation". It almost does the opposite. It can reduce the need 
to have any revocation mechanism - you can just wait for the token's to expire 

*         [3.8. Client Authentication] The "client id" is not used to collate a 
user-authz request and a client request for an access token - the authorization 
code links those. Similarly, it is the "refresh token", not the "client id", 
that links an initial token request to subsequent renewals.

*         [3.8 Client Authentication] The "client id" cannot be used to 
differentiate user access and client-on-behalf-of-a-user access since it is not 
sent in either case. Only the access token is sent in the latter case.

There are quite a few "tokens" in OAuth2 (access token, refresh token, code, 
state...) that have two purposes: to bind flows together; and to transfer state 
via another party. More prominent advice about the required security properties 
of these tokens would help.

When a service chooses to use a handle as a token does say it needs 
high entropy, but then gives maximum allowed probabilities of two authorization 
codes colliding (<= 2^-128 or <= 2^-160). It might be more helpful to say "22 
randomly-chosen characters from the base64url alphabet (or the 
base64url-encoding of 16 randomly-chosen bytes) would be a suitable choice for 
a handle".

I don't think there is any advice for tokens that are assertions, not handles. 
These need a MAC, but also various other fields such as: a key id (so you can 
smoothly change keys); date; audience; etc. It is definitely would stating that 
encryption without a MAC is NOT sufficient. Perhaps the best advice is to 
suggest services adopt a standard assertion format (such as SAML or JWT) if 
they want to use assertions.


*         [2.3.2. Resource Server] Change "on the authorization server" to "on 
the resource server" in the 1st sentence.

*         [2.3.3. Client] Change "on the authorization server" to "on the 
client" in the 1st sentence.


James Manger

OAuth mailing list

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