Thanks, Skylar.  Eran's and your comments do alleviate my concerns somewhat.
 In reviewing the security considerations text, which I hadn't seen this
morning when writing my earlier email, I feel *much* better.  My favorite
part is this:

Authorization servers MUST NOT automatically process (without user
interaction) repeated authorizations without authenticating the
By the way, a colleague at Microsoft pointed out that my email signature may
lead others on this list to believe I represent Microsoft in my
participation on this list.  I *do not represent Microsoft* in my
participation here.  I act as a lone developer.  I apologize for any

Andrew Arnott
"I [may] not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death
your right to say it." - S. G. Tallentyre

On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 3:25 PM, Skylar Woodward <> wrote:

> Just as a response to Andrew, the concern is valid, and providers should be
> educated to warn users about the possibility of a forged identity.  This
> risk for forgery is actually possible for clients with and without secrets.
>   Anyone can spoof either type if the client ID is known, thus showing the
> approval dialog on the authorization endpoint.  The only difference is that
> the auth code returned will be useless to the phisher in the case of a
> client with a secret.
> To this point, we always warn our users not to approve an app unless they
> trust the application that spawned the approval dialog.  We emphasize this
> warning even more when a client_id is presented which can't later validate
> the identity through use of a secret.
> As a result of how hard it is to guarantee client identity in these cases,
> I think you'll find many providers downplay the identity in approval
> dialogs. The page title often reads something generic like "An application
> is requesting access to your account" followed then by details of the app.
>  We've refrained from displaying the name or icon too prominently in the top
> or title of the page for this reason.  Certainly, this is kind of guidance
> to providers is important for the security notes as well as the UI
> considerations.
> So, while identity may seem hopeless in theory, it's actually useful as a
> context check, as Eran suggests.  (John's App? why is that asking for
> permission from this online pharma store?)  Moreover, its useful to
> providers in terms of tracking app usage because in practice, there is very
> little to be gained in forging an app's identity.  You might as well make
> your own convincing looking app name and icon.  Regardless the challenge
> remains for the providers to track abuse of the API and user data, be it
> from well-meaning apps, sneaky malicious apps, or mischievous apps
> masquerading as someone else.
> skylar
> On Apr 12, 2011, at 9:28 AM, Eran Hammer-Lahav wrote:
> > Hopefully by the end of the week. My farm took all my free time this
> weekend.
> >
> > EHL
> >
> > From: Torsten Lodderstedt []
> > Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 8:54 AM
> > To: Eran Hammer-Lahav
> > Cc: Andrew Arnott; OAuth WG (
> > Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] client authentication for implicit grant type
> >
> > The proposed text already does (
> ).
> >
> > When will you post the new revision of the core draft that includes the
> proposed text?
> >
> > regards,
> > Torsten.
> >
> > Am 12.04.2011 17:50, schrieb Eran Hammer-Lahav:
> > It should include a section on phishing-like attacks.
> >
> > EHL
> >
> > From: Andrew Arnott []
> > Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 8:30 AM
> > To: Eran Hammer-Lahav
> > Cc: OAuth WG (
> > Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] client authentication for implicit grant type
> >
> > Thanks, Eran.  Will the security considerations section discuss this and
> recommend that auth servers warn the users of the potential phishing attack?
> >
> > --
> > Andrew Arnott
> > "I [may] not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the
> death your right to say it." - S. G. Tallentyre
> > We're hiring! My team at Microsoft has 7 open slots.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 7:48 AM, Eran Hammer-Lahav <>
> wrote:
> > I don’t think there is much we can do either way to prevent these
> phishing-like attacks with or without the client identifier. The key to
> security here is the ability of the end-user to keep track of how it got
> there, and based on that decide if they want to grant access to whoever sent
> them to the authorization endpoint. This is the same problem with phishing –
> the user ends up in a login page and unless they pay attention how they go
> there (and where they are if its possible to assert), they will give the
> attacker their password.
> >
> > If you don’t include the client identifier and won’t give them a hint
> “John’s App wants access”, they will just get used to approving it without
> the hint. At the end of the day, if there is value in approving such
> unidentified clients, end-users will do it regardless of security.
> >
> > EHL
> >
> >
> > From: [] On Behalf
> Of Andrew Arnott
> > Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 7:28 AM
> > To: OAuth WG (
> > Subject: [OAUTH-WG] client authentication for implicit grant type
> >
> > I brought this concern up about a year ago.  Now reviewing the latest
> drafts, I still have a concern with it.  It is regarding the use of
> client_id without a password.  I agree with section 3, as included below:
> >
> > Section 3. Client Authentication
> >
> > The client identifier is not a secret, it is exposed to the resource
> > owner, and MUST NOT be used alone for client authentication. Client
> > authentication is accomplished via additional means such as a
> > matching client password.
> >
> > The above tells me (rightly so IMO) that considering the client_id alone
> (without real authentication) is dangerous.  Yet the Implicit Grant type
> accepts a client_id, but no authentication:
> >
> > Section 4.2 Implicit Grant
> >
> > client_id
> > REQUIRED. The client identifier as described in Section 3.
> > Now here me: I am not advocating for a client_secret in this case.  I
> fully understand that some clients, particularly javascript widget clients
> that are embedded in others' web pages, can't keep secrets.  What I am
> advocating is that  clients that can't keep secrets shouldn't have IDs
> either.  This is a wide-open door for clients to obtain access to protected
> user data by lying about their identity to authorization servers.  They can
> achieve this in either of two ways, given some popular client_id we'll
> arbitrarily call 'facebook' that users are accustomed to authorizing access
> to:
> >       • An evil client can redirect the user to the authorization
> endpoint, requesting an implicit grant, and including client_id=facebook in
> the URL.  The authorization server may ask the user "Do you want to give
> Facebook access?" along with (perhaps) a warning that most users won't know
> what to do about (honestly, most technical users wouldn't know how to verify
> either.  The user, who trusts Facebook, will click Accept, and offer
> whatever rogue client was running on the page they were visiting the access
> that they requested.
> >       • In scenario 2, which is far worse, an evil client can redirect
> the user to the authorization endpoint, requesting an implicit grant, and
> including client_id=facebook in the URL.  Same so far, but in this case, the
> authorization server sees that access has already been authorized by the
> resource owner to this client in the past and immediately redirects back
> with the requested access token, no user involvement whatsoever.  Again, the
> client obtains access.
> > Now, one might say to #2 that authorization servers shouldn't
> automatically authorize implicit requests.  That person would be absolutely
> right.  I'm concerned that enough clients will complain about the user
> experience though that authorization servers will yield to them and begin
> auto-authorizing these, justifying it by making the "limited" access tokens.
>  No go.  Either you have protected data or you don't.
> > To #1, there's no way that I can think of to properly educate the user to
> be able to detect a phishing attack of this nature, such that if they see a
> "do you want to authorize facebook?" when there is no facebook widget on the
> page, that they should deny access.
> >
> > Between those two, I see only negative impact to including client_id in
> implicit grant requests.  Please, will someone either address my concerns
> (tell me where I'm wrong) or remove that parameter from this grant type?
> >
> > Thanks for your time.
> >
> > --
> > Andrew Arnott
> > "I [may] not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the
> death your right to say it." - S. G. Tallentyre
> > We're hiring! My team at Microsoft has 7 open slots.
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> >
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