I think requests like this and the following discussions have scared
away many of the original voices behind OAuth 2.0. As Eran said, the
goal was never to create a new framework but standardize interoperable
best practices that the industry was adopting. Under-defined extension
points don't make this specification easier to adopt in a pragmatic

(Obviously my individual $0.02.)


On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 9:26 AM, Eran Hammer-Lahav <e...@hueniverse.com> wrote:
> Hey Thomas,
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Thomas Hardjono [mailto:hardj...@mit.edu]
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 8:44 AM
>> If its ok with you, may I offer some friendly suggestion.
>> Section 3 does not take away anything from your work and
>> enormous contribution to the Oauth 2.0 main spec.
> This is not a personal issue... :-)
> Unlike the bearer token functionality which I consider harmful to the web and 
> refuse to have my name associated with it, this is just a case of poorly 
> defined functionality and the wrong way to define an HTTP authentication 
> scheme. IOW, this one is purely about the technical qualities of the 
> proposal. If my concerns are addressed, I don't have other external 
> objections to the functionality.
> The right example to compare this to is the discussion over the inclusion and 
> definition of the 'scope' parameter. While much less complex, the discussion 
> over how much to specify the 'scope' parameter is touching the same 
> interoperability concerns.
>> If anything, Section 3 shows that lots of people are
>> interested in seeing OAuth 2.0 deployed in other environments
>> and being integrated into other authentication
>> infrastructures (eg. enterprise infra).
>> I view this as a positive success point and achievement for Oauth 2.0.
> Yes and no.
> At some point, if you extend the reach of a protocol beyond its original 
> purpose you end up with a useless framework. I don't want to create another 
> SOAP or WS-*.
> Now, this is my personal view and I understand that in the context of an IETF 
> standard creation every community (consumer web, enterprise, telecom, 
> governmental, etc.) has a right to its voice. This is why I have not objected 
> to this addition on the basis of WG scope, use cases, or requirements (which 
> I could have easily done). My objection is purely on the technical quality of 
> the solution.
> The issue at hand is where to draw the line when it comes to defining 
> extensibility. This is the main theme behind other open issues as well. I 
> believe the document as currently defined provides sufficient extensibility 
> while still providing a complete authorization protocol. This proposal merely 
> takes that extensibility and moves it 1% forward with a tiny bit more 
> specialization for one use case.
>> And yes, further profiling & specs will be needed for each and every
>> type of credential mentioned in Section 3 in order to get
>> interoperability. That's always been my understanding (and
>> I believe that is also the understanding
>> of other folks who want Section 3 to stay).
> The only way we can test if the proposal works is by doing exactly that. The 
> same way we require multiple interoperable implementations before finish a 
> standard, we should require at least one published draft making use of this 
> extension point and complying with its requirements. How else would we know 
> that we got it right?
> For example, the SAML draft tested out the grant type and parameter extension 
> point. The bearer and MAC drafts tested out the token type extension point. 
> The UX draft tested out the error extension point (though not explicitly).
> So regardless of the text being incorporated at the end, someone will need to 
> publish a draft making use of it so that we can verify we have the right 
> solution specified.
>> Perhaps it would best to just leave Section 3 where it is,
>> and to move on to other aspects of the draft.
> If you mean leave -15 section 3 as-is, I completely agree. :-)
> I think your draft has some new, useful prose that I plan to incorporate 
> either way (namely the new section about other authentication protocols). I 
> also think that we should go back to the previous text focusing on the HTTP 
> Basic scheme and defining the parameters alternative as just that (so as to 
> not create a new authentication scheme, but merely document how people are 
> "hacking" on Basic). I believe we have consensus to making those changed in 
> -16.
> Personally, I would go as far as to declare the two basic parameters as MAY 
> support for servers and NOT RECOMMENDED for clients. But we don't have 
> consensus for this yet (it wasn't framed this way before).
> So there is value in an overall review of section 3 which your contribution 
> has facilitated.
> Since no new voices have been added to this discussion since it was 
> originally introduced (on either side), the only next step with the new 
> functionality (client assertion credentials) is to wait for the chairs to 
> take over this discussion and outline how they want to gage consensus. 
> Further discussion between the same people is pointless - no one is saying 
> anything new, myself included.
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