On 09.05.2011 18:49, Eran Hammer-Lahav wrote:
The OAuth WG is seeking guidance on the following questions:

1. Should the WG define a general purpose method for returning errors with a 
401 WWW-Authenticate headers, including a cross-scheme error code registry?

Not sure. Are there error conditions servers *want* to reveal, and which also have interoperable implications for clients across authentication schemes? That is, can they really be re-used?

If that's the case, a standalone document defining these parameters, with an easy way for new schemes to include these params would make sense.

[2] http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-bearer-04

That being said, here are a few comments about the aforementioned spec.

   error           = "error" "=" quoted-string
   error-desc      = "error_description" "=" quoted-string
   error-uri       = "error_uri" = <"> URI-reference <">

This probably should be

   error           = "error" "=" quoted-string
   error-desc      = "error_description" "=" quoted-string
   error-uri       = "error_uri" "=" DQUOT URI-reference DQUOT

(missing quotes around the "=", and also please avoid prose productions).

Also, you do seem to ignore I18N issues with the error_description. What's the encoding?

(and, as a matter of taste, I'd prefer hyphens instead of underscores in parameter names...).

Best regards, Julian
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