The main source of confusion about refresh token is caused by the protocol lack 
of clear definition of access token lifetime, even in relative terms, and the 
objectives of refresh tokens. For example, the authorization server can issue:

- an access token good for an hour, with a refresh token good for a year or 
- an access token good-till-revoked without a refresh token
- an access token good-till-revoked with a refresh token, used to obtain 
additional access tokens for a distributed environment

In large scale systems access tokens are often self-describing, including all 
the information needed by the resource server to validate them. In such a 
setup, access tokens cannot be revoked until expired. Refresh tokens on the 
other hand, require a database lookup for the resource owner grant, and can be 

The only real difference between the implicit and authorization code grant 
types is the inclusion of a refresh token. The point is not to issue long term 
credentials without client authentication, relying on the presence of the 
resource owner for authenticating the client. However, we don't say that 
anywhere, or define the goals of the two token types design with enough detail 
to offer sound security.

I would like to add a quick discussion of access token and refresh token 
recommended deployment setup, providing clear guidelines when a refresh token 
SHOULD and SHOULD NOT be issued, and when issues, how it is difference from the 
access token.

It's time we stop trying to accommodate every possible combination and make 
some hard choices.


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