On 6/27/11 4:18 PM, Barry Leiba wrote:
> The subject document, draft-lodderstedt-oauth-security, is now on our
> charter, with the rechartering.  The authors have a new version ready,
> and would like to post it this week.  The chairs have approved the
> name "draft-ietf-oauth-v2-threatmodel-00" for this document, and if
> there are no objections the authors will post the new version on
> Friday.

Seems reasonable.

> Keep in mind that the first priority is still the OAuth 2.0 main spec,
> so let's wrap that up.  We're aiming for working-group last call on
> that within the month.

Does "within the month" mean "by the end of June"? :)


Peter Saint-Andre

OAuth mailing list

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