Refresh tokens have a different main goal, in my opinion.  They are useful to 
allow a log lived durable replacement for username/password.  This means the 
user's primary credential is not stored in the client.  Refresh tokens can be 
revoked by the user without requiring password change.  They are also always 
used over a secure channel, and can fetch a (sometimes much) shorter lived 
token used over a clear channel.  Yahoo! Messenger and others use a model like 
this now.  Refresh tokens can also be issued to a particular client requiring 
authentication, so are not useful if the client authentication credential is 
not also compromised.

They do have the property of anonymity as well, but that's true of both teh 
refresh token and access token, so it's not specific to refresh tokens.


From: Anthony Nadalin <>
To: "OAuth WG (" <>
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 10:40 AM
Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Refresh Tokens

Nowhere in the specification is there explanation for refresh tokens, The 
reason that the Refresh token was introduced was for anonymity. The scenario is 
that a client asks the user for access. The user wants to grant the access but 
not tell the client the user's identity. By issuing the refresh token as an 
'identifier' for the user (as well as other context data like the resource) 
it's possible now to let the client get access without revealing anything about 
the user. Recommend that the above explanation be included so developers 
understand why the refresh tokens are there.
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