
John B.
On 2012-03-07, at 7:57 PM, Eran Hammer wrote:

> New text:
>          In order to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks, the authorization 
> server MUST implement
>          and require TLS with server authentication as defined by <xref 
> target='RFC2818' /> for
>          any request sent to the authorization and token endpoints. The 
> client MUST validate the
>          authorization server's TLS certificate as defined by <xref 
> target='RFC6125' />, and in
>          accordance with its requirements for server identity authentication.
> EH
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: John Bradley []
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 2:24 PM
>> To: Peter Saint-Andre
>> Cc: Eran Hammer; OAuth WG
>> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Server cret verification in 10.9
>> We added the reference to RFC6125 in openID Connect.
>> The Client MUST perform a TLS/SSL server certificate check, per
>>          <xref target="RFC6125">RFC 6125</xref>.
>> We wanted to be more general to allow for non http bindings in the future.
>> If you don't do it in core, every spec that references core will probably 
>> have
>> to add it.
>> John B.
>> On 2012-01-24, at 12:32 AM, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
>>> On 1/20/12 4:46 PM, Eran Hammer wrote:
>>>> Stephen asked:
>>>>> (13) 10.9 says that the client MUST verify the server's cert which is
>>>>> fine. However, does that need a reference to e.g. rfc 6125? Also, do
>>>>> you want to be explicit here about the TLS server cert and thereby
>>>>> possibly rule out using DANE with the non PKI options that that WG
>>>>> (may) produce?
>>>> Can someone help with this? I don't know enough to address.
>>> The OAuth core spec currently says:
>>>  The client MUST validate the authorization server's
>>>  TLS certificate in accordance with its requirements
>>>  for server identity authentication.
>>> RFC 2818 has guidance about endpoint identity, in Section 3.1:
>>> RFC 6125 attempts to generalize the guidance from RFC 2818 and many
>>> similar specs for use by new application protocols. Given that OAuth as
>>> defined by the core spec runs over HTTP, I think referencing RFC 2818
>>> would make sense. So something like:
>>>  The client MUST validate the authorization server's
>>>  TLS certificate in accordance with the rules for
>>>  server identity authentication provided in Section 3.1
>>>  of [RFC2818].
>>> Peter
>>> --
>>> Peter Saint-Andre
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