
James Manger

----- Reply message -----From: "Mike Jones" <michael.jo...@microsoft.com> Date: 
Sun, Mar 11, 2012 4:50 am Subject: [OAUTH-WG] question about the b64token 
syntax in draft-ietf-oauth-v2-bearer To: "Paul Madsen" <paul.mad...@gmail.com>, 
"Brian Campbell" <bcampb...@pingidentity.com> Cc: "oauth" <oauth@ietf.org>

I plan to make the change to the example access token value tomF_9.B5f-4.1JqM 
before Monday’s submission deadline, per the requests for b64token syntax 
clarification. I’m also considering adding an access token response example, 
pre the requests in this thread. I would propose adding the following new text 
for this in a new Section 4 (before the current Security Considerations). This 
is largely parallel to what is done in Section 5.1 of the MAC spec.

4. Example Access Token Response

Typically a bearer token is returned to the client as part of an OAuth 2.0 
[I-D.ietf-oauth-v2] access token response. An example of such as response is:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

Cache-Control: no-store

Pragma: no-cache







Please send either +1s or objections to this text by mid-day Monday. Unless I 
receive several +1s, to be conservative at this point, I will not be including 
it in Monday’s draft.

-- Mike
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