Is the use case of using URI as client ids important? It seems like something 
that might become useful in the future where clients can use their verifiable 
servers to bypass client registration and simly use a URI the server can 
validate via some other means.

I just want to make sure those thinking about more complex use cases involving 
dynamic registration or distributed client manamgenet are aware of this 
potential restriction.

I'm fine either way.


From: [] On Behalf Of Mike 
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 11:27 AM
To: William Mills; Hannes Tschofenig; Julian Reschke
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Discussion needed on username and password ABNF 

Not internationalizing fields intended for machine consumption only is already 
a precedent set and agreed to by the working group, so let me second Bill's 
point in that regard.  For instance, neither "scope" nor "error" allow 
non-ASCII characters.

Julian, if you want different ABNF text than the text I wrote below, I believe 
it would be most useful if you would provide the exact replace wording that 
you'd like to see instead of it.  Then there's no possibility of 
misunderstanding the intent of suggested changes.

                                                            Thanks all,
                                                            -- Mike

[]<mailto:[]> On 
Behalf Of William Mills
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 11:18 AM
To: Hannes Tschofenig; Julian Reschke
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Discussion needed on username and password ABNF 

I agree generally with your assumption about clients, but rather than saying 
"clients are devices" I think it makes much more sense to say "clients are NOT 
users, so client_id need not be internationalized".  In practical terms there 
is very little to argue for anythign beyond ASCII in a client_secret, base64 
encoding or the equivalent being a fine way to transport arbitrary bits in a 
portable/reasonable way.

I argue that client_id need not be internationalized because I assume that any 
really internationalized application will have an internationalized 
presentation layer that's presenting a pretty name for the client_id.


From: Hannes Tschofenig 
To: Julian Reschke <<>>
Cc: "<>" 
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Discussion needed on username and password ABNF 

I had a chat with Julian yesterday and here is my short summary.

Section 2.3 of the core draft defines client authentication based on two 
mechanisms (and provides room for extensions):

1) HTTP Basic Authentication

2) A custom OAuth authentication mechanism (which uses client_id and 

With HTTP Basic authentication the problem is that this is a legacy technology 
and there is no internationalization support.

With our brand new custom OAuth authentication mechanism we have more options.

One possible approach is to say that the clients are devices (and not end 
users) and therefore internationalization does not matter.

Is it, however, really true that only US-ASCII characters will appear in the 
client_id and also in the client_secret?

Here we have the possibility to define something better.

In any case we have to restrict the characters that are used in these two 
authentication mechanisms since they could conflict with the way how we 
transport the data over the underlying protocol. Julian mentioned this in his 
previous mails.

Julian, maybe you can provide a detailed text proposal for how to address your 
comment in case we go for UTF8 (with % encoding) for the custom OAuth client 
authentication mechanism?


On Jun 12, 2012, at 11:54 AM, Julian Reschke wrote:

> On 2012-06-12 00:16, Mike Jones wrote:
>> Reviewing the feedback from Julian, John, and James, I'm coming to the 
>> conclusion that client_id and client_secret, being for machines and not 
>> humans, should be ASCII, whereas username and password should be Unicode, 
>> since they are for humans.  Per John's feedback, client_id can not contain a 
>> colon and be compatible with HTTP Basic.
> I'm not sure that restricting the character repertoire just because one way 
> to send requires this is the right approach. My preference would be not to 
> put this into the ABNF, and just to point out that certain characters will 
> not work over certain transports, and to just advise to avoid them.
>> Therefore, I'd like to propose these updated ABNF definitions:
>>    VSCHAR = %20-7E
>>    NOCOLONVSCHAR = %x20-39 / %x3B-7E
>>    UNICODENOCTRLCHAR = <Any Unicode character other than ( %x0-1F / %x7F )>
>>    client-id = *NOCOLONVSCHAR
>>    client_secret = *VSCHAR
>>    username = *UNICODENOCTRLCHAR
>>    password = *UNICODENOCTRLCHAR
> In this case you should add an introductory statement pointing out that the 
> ABNF defines the grammar in terms of Unicode code points, not octets (as it 
> is the case most of the time).
>> It turns out that non-ASCII characters are OK for username and password 
>> because the Core spec only passes them in the form body - not using HTTP 
>> Basic - and UTF-8 encoding is specified.
> I'll send a separate mail about that, the current text in the spec is way too 
> unspecific.
>>                 -- Mike
>> P.S.  If anyone has a better ABNF for UNICODENOCTRLCHAR than "<Any Unicode 
>> character other than ( %x0-1F / %x7F )>", please send it to me!
> As noted before, here's an example: 
> <>
> Best regards, Julian
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