Hi Brian, 

thanks for your response. I have tried to put additional text into version -04 
of the draft to address my earlier comments. 

The most recent version of the updated document is there:

Here is the XML: 

It took me a little while to make these changes, as you can imagine. I hope I 
was able to improve the quality and clarity of the document. 

I still have to respond to your second mail about the relaxed usage of the RFC 
2119 language. Will do that asap. 


On May 30, 2012, at 11:46 PM, Brian Campbell wrote:

> Thanks for the comments Hannes. I've attempted to answer some of your 
> questions/comments inline below (or at least provide some additional info,  
> context or explanation).
> On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 12:39 PM, Hannes Tschofenig 
> <hannes.tschofe...@gmx.net> wrote:
> Hi Chuck, Mike, Brian, and Yaron,
> I reviewed the document as part of my shepherding role and I believe there is 
> still room for improvement with the document. I think the document suffers 
> from the problem that you essentially want to cover every possible use case 
> in a single document. So, let me start with a high-level mail.
> You are covering two quite different usage scenarios that are only related to 
> each other by the usage of assertions, namely
> 1. Using Assertions for Client Authentication
> 2. Using Assertions as Authorization Grants
> (Of course these two usages can happen in the same protocol exchange; this 
> means that you have two assertions in the same message obtained from 
> different entities with potentially very different properties.)
> It is OK to have these two cases in a single document but the introduction 
> and section 3 need to untangle them and to describe the use cases to the 
> reader. In fact, the second part of the document (from section 4 onwards) 
> does a better job in separating the two cases.
> Yeah, putting them together has its advantages and disadvantages and causing 
> confusing between the two cases is one of the biggest downsides. Proposed 
> text that helps untangle the two usages for the reader/implementer would most 
> definitely be welcomed. 
> I was also wondering what use cases you guys find most interested among all 
> the options I list below? What have you implemented and deployed (I need that 
> info for the shepherd writeup)? Maybe we should highlight them in the intro.
> The primary case I've seen deployed is in an "enterprise to SaaS" model using 
> SAML assertions as authorization grants.  The enterprise has some kind of STS 
> that can issue assertions and trust has been established between the STS and 
> the enterprise's accounts at the SaaS. The client presents some kind local 
> authentication/authorization to the STS and receives a suitable assertion in 
> exchange. That exchange is via WS-Trust in the deployments I've seen but 
> that's far from the only way it can be done. Once the client has the 
> assertion, the OAuth assertion profile/grant type can be employed to get an 
> OAuth access token from the AS at the SaaS. Then that token be used to access 
> the SaaS's protected resources/APIs. The trust established between the 
> enterprise STS and the SaaS is usually already in place and being used to 
> facilitate Web SSO traffic.
> For the sake of disclosure, my company offers a product that acts in the STS 
> role described above and one of my co-author's companies is very often the 
> SaaS. Our product also supports the AS role in that exchange to help enable 
> organizations to do what the aforementioned SaaS is doing.  
> In my experience there has been more initial interest in assertions as grants 
> than for client authentication. But I'll note that OpenID Connect 
> specifically calls out the JWT assertion profile as one option for client 
> authentication.
> Regarding the security aspects: I assume that the assertions is always 
> signed. (I guess you make this assumption as well.)
> Yes and the draft should say as much. The end of §5.2 explicit says "The 
> Authorization Server MUST validate the assertion's signature..."  and there 
> are a number of other places where the text would seem to imply that the 
> token/assertion is always singed. Do you think it needs to be made more 
> explicit?
> There are a few considerations:
> a) Who creates and signs the assertion?
> It really depends on the situation.  The draft in §5.1 defines it as the 
> Issuer and attempts to give some ideas about how that might work without 
> being overly prescriptive or restrictive.
> You sometimes use the term "Security Token Service (STS)" but it is not 
> introduced in the terminology. Let us assume that this is a third party 
> entity (and not a role the client can take).
> So, we have two cases:
>  -- Assertions obtained from the STS
>  -- Assertions self-generated by the client
> Needless to say that the security properties are different between the two. 
> In the second case the party receiving the assertion cannot trust the content 
> in the assertion since it had been minted by the client, an untrusted party.
> The client is not necessarily untrusted.  In the case where the client is the 
> issuer, it really needs to be trusted for it to work. That probably makes the 
> most sense when using assertions as client authentication where the client 
> sends an assertion that demonstrates possession of a (symmetric or 
> asymmetric) secret. But it really depends on the situation so that's just one 
> possibility. 
> Also note that the protocol for obtaining the assertion from the STS may not 
> have been standardized, which consequently does not necessarily increase 
> interoperability when deploying such a solution. Any story for this? How did 
> you handle this in your implementations & deployments?
> Interoperability between the client and the AS is the primary goal of this 
> spec (and the SAML/JWT incarnations of it). That may impose some requirements 
> on the STS with respect to the actual content and format of the assertion. 
> However, the rest of the client <-> STS exchange should have no bearing on 
> interop (other than between those two parties but that is out of scope here). 
> For what it's worth, as I mentioned earlier, my product offers WS-Trust as a 
> means for obtaining the assertion. It's not the only way and it's arguably 
> not ideal. But it is a standard for token exchange and it was something we 
> already had a lot of infrastructure in place to support in our product.
> Let us focus on the cases where the assertion is obtained from an STS. Then, 
> the assertion is signed by the STS (hopefully) and if the client presents it 
> then it can do that in two ways:
>  -- Conveying the assertion as a Bearer Assertion (i.e., possession is the 
> security) and hopefully the exchange runs over TLS. Replay protection can be 
> provided via the parameters in the assertion assuming the client has a 
> capability to obtain assertions on the fly using some protocol to essentially 
> present a refresh assertion with (almost) every exchange since otherwise the 
> provided security really suffers.
> FWIW, this whole document more or less assumes that the assertion will be a 
> bearer assertion. I don't think there's anything necessarily preventing a 
> holder of key profile from being written on top of it but the SAML/JWT 
> realizations of this draft are explicitly and intentionally limited in scope 
> to the bearer case.
> And yes, this exchange must run over TLS (OAuth core at 
> http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-26#section-3.2 mandates it for 
> the token endpoint which then is inherited by this spec).
>  -- Using the assertion together with a holder-of-the-key concept. In this 
> case the assertion would be signed by the STS and then the client in addition 
> needs to show possession of a secret (which is bound to the token). This 
> secret (either a shared key or a public/private key pair had been obtained 
> somehow).
> Again, I think a HoK assertion/confirmation could be profiled from this draft 
> but it hasn't been done yet and I really haven't heard anyone asking for it.
> Furthermore, the document at various places talks about the great security 
> properties and I believe that this is a bit misleading. The great security 
> properties are only there when you either use
>  * a STS obtained assertion with a holder-of-a-key assertion, or
>  * let the client sign the assertion (in which case the assertion is quite 
> degenerated*).
> I believe those security benefits are really only particularly relevant for 
> [H]MAC'd assertion being used for client authentication as an alternative to 
> sending the client secret directly via HTTP Basic or as a parameter. This 
> should probably be made more clear so as not to be misleading.
> It may also be worth noting that not all assertions can be signed with 
> symmetric as well as asymmetric credentials. A SAML assertion, for example, 
> can only be signed with an asymmetric credential (at last to my knowledge).
> That is standard practice with SAML and the only thing I've ever seen 
> implemented/deployed but there is nothing that actually mandates asymmetric 
> signatures in SAML.
> Ciao
> Hannes
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