
Great. I've asked for IETF LC to start. I'll go through
the changes below during that in case there's some more
follow up.


On 06/27/2012 07:03 PM, Torsten Lodderstedt wrote:
> Hi Stephen,
> I just submitted a new revision of the security document incorporating
> your review comments.
> Please find answers to your comments below.
> Thank you again for your detailed review. You helped us to significantly
> improve the document's quality.
> best regards,
> Torsten.
> Am 28.05.2012 20:34, schrieb Stephen Farrell:
>> Hi all,
>> I've gotten the publication request for oauth-threatmodel
>> so here's my AD review of -05.
>> Its quite a read (and a good one) but I've a bunch of
>> questions. Some of these will need fixing I suspect
>> but a lot are ok to fix later after IETF LC, depending
>> on whether the authors want to re-spin it before then
>> or not. But I'd like to at least see reactions to the
>> questions before I start IETF LC.
>> Although there are many many nits and typos, those
>> don't actually make the document unreadable so
>> though I'd prefer to see 'em fixed now, I'm ok with
>> that happening later if its a problem to get it
>> all done now.
>> If you want to argue for going ahead with IETF LC
>> now please do so, but I suspect that this might need
>> a revised ID to fix at least a couple of the points
>> raised below. If nobody does argue to go ahead now,
>> I'll mark it as revised ID needed, but first let's
>> see what the answers are to the questions.
>> Cheers,
>> S.
>> (1) s/RFC1750/RFC4086/ is needed as noted in the write-up.
> done
>> (2) You don't say anything about the probability of
>> occurrence of the various threats. I realise that you
>> can't be precise but it seems wrong to say nothing.  Would
>> it be worth at least saying that that's not done here and
>> that readers of this document need to do their own risk
>> analysis including that aspect?
> That's correct - I added the following paragraph to the introduction:
> "Note: This document cannot assess the probability nor the risk
> associated with a particular threat because those aspects strongly
> depend on the particular application and deployment OAuth is used to
> protect. Similar, impacts are given on a rather abstract level. But the
> information given here may serve as a foundation for deployment-specific
> threat models. Implementors may refine and detail the abstract threat
> model in order to account for the specific properties of their
> deployment and to come up with a risk analysis."
>> (3) Many deployments will use TLS accelerators.  That
>> means that TLS isn't fully e2e, and that opens up some
>> (mainly) insider attacks or attacks that can be launched
>> from within a compromised DMZ, but from outside the server
>> applications. Does that need a mention somewhere? (I've
>> seen systems like that deployed and a lot could go wrong
>> from the inside, so I think this is a real threat.)
> I added another paragraph to section 5.1.1:
> "Note: this document assumes end-to-end TLS protected connections
> between the respective protocol entities. Deployments deviating from
> this assumption by offloading TLS in between (e.g. on the data center
> edge) must refine this threat model in order to account for the
> additional (mainly insider) threat this may cause."
>> (4) Could you use just one of "client identity" or "client
>> identifier" consistently? I'd much prefer the latter,
>> which has also been the outcome of various discussions on
>> this topic elsewhere. For example you say "revocation of
>> such an identity" at the end of p13, and that's a
>> potential rathole, better to say "revocation of the rights
>> associated with a client identifier" or similar I think.
>> And similar changes throughout.
> Replaced client identity by client identifier in most places and
> incorporated your proposed text
>> (5) Here you recommend native applications should
>> use an embedded browser, but earlier you said that was a
>> bad idea. I think you need to be consistent or else
>> provide more about when its ok to embed and when its not.
>> Did I misread it or does that need a change?
> removed 3rd bullet as native apps should use code flow
> We also removed the 1st bullet in
>> (6) This calls for "obfuscation" of passwords in
>> logs. I think you ought be stronger there and call for
>> strong encryption of passwords wherever they are stored,
>> be that logs or DBs or whatever. Would'nt that be reasonable?
> This section is about preventing accidential exposure by the client. I
> think encryption is not appropriate here since the password is entered
> in the clear by the user. I added the advice to encrypt credentials as
> alternative means to salted hashes to
>> (7) 4.6.4: 1st countermeasure: I don't think you mean
>> address here (in the sense of an IP address, which is what
>> that means) but rather the domain name or FQDN or URL.  In
>> any case, you need to say what is meant clearly.  (Also in
>> and elsewhere when you use the term "address".)
> replaced address in most cases by URL and in some place by FDQN
>> (8) 4.6.6: You say to use Cache-Control, but don't say
>> how.  Is more needed really? Maybe there's a good document
>> you could reference for that? (I'm not suggesting you add
>> a lecture on caching btw:-)
> Added text from core spec describing usage of Cache-Control and Pragma
> response header fields
>> (9) 5.1.1: needs a reference to RFC 5246 (and better to
>> just say TLS and not say SSL, at least for me :-)
> done
>> (10) 5.1.1: needs a reference to whatever you mean by
>> "VPN" since there are many types of VPN. I assume you mean
>> an IPsec VPN? But even if not, saying more would be good.
> Extended description and added reference to RFC 4301.
>> (11) 5.1.2: needs a reference to RFC 5280 and/or RFC 6125
>> and/or RFC 2818. Bascially, you need to say how this is
>> done (by reference).
> Added reference to RFC 2818 since it seems to be closest to the problem
>> (12) Isn't there some good reference you can give
>> here? (Having said that, I'd have to go look myself, but
>> I'd maybe start with owasp or sans.)
> added reference to OWASP
>> (13) if p(collision) should be <=2^(-160) then
>> what's the point of saying it ought be <= 2^(-128)? Also
>> if sha-1 were perfect, then the 160 bits output would
>> really have a collision probability of about 2^(-80) with
>> many many tokens, but not 2^(-160). I think you need
>> to fix something there.  Perhaps you're really saying that
>> all high-entropy secrets should be >=128 bits long and
>> constructed with a good (P)RNG? If so, saying so more
>> clearly would be better. Not everyone will get the
>> collision probability way of saying that even when its
>> properly stated. (This text is also repeated, be better if
>> you just said this once I think.)
> modified text as follows
> "When creating secrets not intended for usage by human users (e.g.
> client secrets or token handles), the authorization server should
> include a reasonable level of entropy in order to mitigate the risk of
> guessing attacks. The token value should be >=128 bits long and
> constructed from a cryptographically strong random or pseudo-random
> number sequence (see [RFC4086] for best current practice) generated by
> the Authorization Server."
> removed (redundant text) and updated references accordingly
>> (14) what is a "reasonable duration" - I don't
>> think its ok to say that but nothing else. Can't you give
>> some "reasonable" examples based on current usage?
> added examples and explanation of factors determining reasonable
> expiration time
> "Tokens should generally expire after a reasonable duration. This
> complements and strengthens other security measures (such as signatures)
> and reduces the impact of all kinds of token leaks. Depending on the
> risk associated with a token leakage, tokens may expire after a few
> minutes (e.g. for payment transactions) or stay valid for hours (e.g.
> read access to contacts).
> The expiration time is determined by a couple of factors, including:
> - risk associated to a token leakage
> - duration of the underlying access grant,
> - duration until the modification of an access grant should take effect,
> and
> - time required for an attacker to guess or produce valid token."
>> (15) needs a reference to SAML assertions with
>> the current text.
> done - also added reference to RFC4120 in section 3.1
>> (16) this describes a refresh token rotation
>> scheme that I don't recall being discussed on the list, so
>> this is just to check that that rotation scheme, as
>> described, doesn't ring any alarms bells for the WG. If
>> not, that's fine. And if it was discussed on the list and
>> I've forgotten, then sorry about that:-)
> It has been discussed, the first time with the introduction of the
> option to return a new referesh token value in response to a refresh
> token grant request. A more recent discussion can be found here:
> http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/oauth/current/msg06974.html
>> (17) Using IMEI's like this has privacy
>> implications that I think you ought call out. A single
>> sentence and a reference to something that says "be
>> careful about privacy here" would be fine I'd say. (And
>> you need a reference for "IMEI" and to expand the term.)
> added note and reference to respective 3gpp spec
>> (18) needs a reference for X-FRAME-OPTION.
>> There's a websec draft about that I think.
> added reference to
> http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-gondrom-x-frame-options/
>> (19) what do you mean when you say "for different
>> deployments of a client"? That could be one secret per
>> install or one secret for all customers of a mobile
>> operator and those are radically different. I think you
>> need to be clear and hope you mean the former. That's
>> almost cleared up in the 3rd paragraph of the section but
>> I wanted to just check. Not sure "deployment" is the best
>> term there really - what's wrong with "installation"?
> nothing is wrong with "installation" :-)
> replaced deployment by installation and partially re-phrased section
>> (many:-) nits and typos:
>> 2.3.1: maybe explain "handle-based design" or give a
>> reference? (Or maybe just a forward ref to 3.1?)
> added ref to 3.1
>> 2.3.3: It might be worth re-iterating that the term
>> "client" in oauth is used differently, e.g.  by copying a
>> bit of text from the base spec. I can see folks being
>> confused by this otherwise.
> copied a sentence from base spec and extended description
>> 3.1: "is digitally signed" - do you mean it has data
>> integrity and origin authentication?  If MACs are commonly
>> used (or maybe authenticated encryption), and not
>> necessarily signatures, then saying that would be better.
> we mean data integrity and origin authentication - added some text to
> explain this
>> 3.1.2: typo: s/this mechanisms/this mechanism/
>> 3.1.2: maybe s/Expires_In/expires_in/ to match the case in
>> the base spec? I think it'd be better not to capitalise
>> this in case it finds its way into someone's code. You
>> could also use "Expires In" in the title and then say that
>> its "expires_in" in the protocol. Might be worth doing
>> something generic to call out when you're talking about
>> specific things from the protocol, e.g. use a convention
>> like ``expires_in'' or "expires_in" consistently and say
>> that in the intro.
> Renamed section to "Limited access token limetime" and changed wording
> to explicitely distinct between concept and protocol parameter.
>> 3.4: typo: s/the later/the latter/
>> 3.4: bullet item 1 isn't really a reason for anything but
>> a downside of doing this, at least as written. Maybe this
>> needs to be tweaked?
> tweaked it
>> 3.6: expand CSRF on 1st use and maybe give a reference
>> CSRF is expanded in which is a good bit later,
>> and also in which could presumably be
>> shortened a bit by removing the repetition.
> expanded CSRF a bit, added forward reference to and shortened
>> 3.7: typo: s/collage associated request/collate associated
>> requests/
>> 3.7: Maybe give a pointer to the definition of "native
>> application" in the base spec (Its section 9 of that.)
>> 2nd last para of p13 would be a good place for that.
> added pointer
>> section 4: maybe s/Security Threat Model/Threat Model/
>> in the section title - what other kind of threat
>> model is there?
> changed to Threat Model
>> section 4: I wondered how we know the threat model
>> is "comprehensive"? Perhaps "detailed" is better?
> We are rather confident because we created the threat model a systematic
> way and had it reviewed by a lot of security folks
>> 4.2.1: typo: s/Users/users/g unless you mean something
>> special?
>> 4.2.2: typo: s/a understandable/an understandable/
>> 4.2.2: "...based on who the client is." is unclear
>> and not gramatically nice:-) "...based on the client
>> identifier." would seem better.
>> 4.3.1: typo? s/on transit/in transit/ Or did you
>> mean something else? and s/may attempts/may attempt/
>> 4.3.3: maybe s/Revelation/Disclosure/ to be a tad
>> less biblical:-)
> changed to "Revelation of client credentials during transmission"
>> 4.3.3: typo? 1st countermeasure reads oddly and
>> refers to a different place than other references
>> to TLS - is that correct?
> changed to standard wording
>> 4.3.3: digest auth is nearly the same as sending
>> credentials over the wire, TLS client auth based
>> on certificates would be a better example, even
>> if its not often done.
> Isn't TLS client authentication always combined with TLS protected
> communication? So this would merly be an additional and not alternative
> mechanism.
>> 4.3.4: 4.3.2 points to but this doesn't.
>> Maybe it ought to?
> Sorry, don't understand this comment. Are you saying should
> point back to 4.3.2?
>> 4.3.6: typo s/an authorization servers/an authorization
>> server/
>> 4.3.6: 4.3.5 refers to wrt entropy. Is there
>> a reason to not do that here too?
> this section discussed a potential threat on dynamic client
> registration. Wen decided to remove the whole section as dynamic client
> registration is subject of current charter and respective security
> considerations should delt with in this context.
>> 4.4: typo? s/tokens endpoint/token endpoint/ ?
>> typo: s/by different ways/in different ways/
>> typo-fix-typo? HTTP has a "Referer" header field,
>> but you fixed their typo here - might be better to live
>> with the bad spelling, in which case
>> s/referrer/referer/g;-)
> ok :-)
>> Is there no better way to reference these
>> OASIS docs? More importantly, is there no better (more
>> stable) reference than thomasgross.net for the
>> PDF you reference? Tidying this up would be good.
> added references to OASIS documents and stable reference to 3rd document
> in proceedings of Computer Security Applications Conference
>> and elsewhere: a few times you say "such as
>> TLS or SSL," I think it'd be better to just say TLS
>> there and do it consistently everwhere. In other
>> places (e.g. you say "HTTPS" - again that'd
>> be better done consistently.
> removed SSL - would you expect us to replace HTTPS by TLS? We used HTTPS
> for the more specific case of HTTP+TLS
>> typo: s/redeem a authorization code/redeem
>> an authorizatio code/
>> "counterfeit a valid client" reads oddly,
>> do you mean "pretend to be a valid client"? If so,
>> I think that'd be clearer.
>> "and to prevent unauthorized access to
>> them" - I think you might add "via the oauth
>> protocol" there since the AS isn't responsible for
>> all possible ways of preventing unauthorized access.
>> typo: s/not neccesserily indicates/doesn't
>> necessarily indicate/
>> typo: s/user should be explained the purpose/
>> something better/ :-)
> tried my best:
> "In this context, the authorization server should explain to the
> end-user the purpose, scope, and duration of the authorization the
> client asked for. "
>> expand/define CAPTCHA on 1st use. Give a
>> reference for this too. Especially since you also
>> have, which is maybe the best place for
>> the reference.
> Changed counter measure paragraph from:
> "If the authorization server automatically authenticates the end-
>       user, it may nevertheless require some user input in order to
>       prevent screen scraping.  Examples are CAPTCHAs or user-specific
>       secrets like PIN codes."
>  to:
> "If the authorization server automatically authenticates the end-user,
> it may nevertheless require some user input in order to prevent screen
> scraping. Examples are CAPTCHAs (Completely Automated Public Turing test
> to tell Computers and Humans Apart) or other multi-factor authentication
> techniques such as random questions, token code generators, etc."
>> isn't a PIN code another user authentiation?
>> Seems like a bad example of automatic authentication,
>> since it isn't automatic if the user has to enter a
>> PIN.
> see above
>> Is Facebook a trademark? Maybe better to not
>> use that if so?
> Changed Facebook reference section to:
> (e.g. as in the implementation of "Login" button to a third-party social
> network site)
>> typo: s/achieve that goal/achieves that goal/
>> typo: s/victims resources/victim's resources/
>> typo: s/The attackers gains/The attacker gains/
>> typo: s/then the target web site/rather than
>> the target web site/
>> "session fixation" could do with a reference
>> or definition, and that might be better earlier in
>> this section and not just in the countermeasures
>> part.
> changed
> "The authorization server may also enforce the usage and validation of
> pre-registered redirect URIs (see Section  This will allow for
> an early recognition of session fixation attempts."
> to:
> "The authorization server may also enforce the usage and validation of
> pre-registered redirect URIs (see Section  This will allow for
> an early recognition of authorization code disclosure to counterfeit
> clients."
>> typo: s/kind of attacks/kind of attack/
>> typo: s/not follow untrusted/to not follow
>> untrusted/
>> maybe add a reference for "iframe"? And
>> you say "iFrames" later, better to be consistent.
>> 1st countermeasure - do you mean end-user
>> authorization here or end-user authentication? And
>> would it be better to say "system browser" or
>> something rather than "external browser"? (I forget
>> what phrase you used for that earlier but there
>> was something bettter:-)
> We mean "authorization"
> We came to the conclusion that it does not matter in which browser the
> page is loaded - removed 1st bullet
>> "javascript framebusting" really needs
>> a reference
> added
>> typo: s/the victims resources/the victim's
>> resources/
>> typo: s/or split the/or splits the/
>> "corresponding form post requests" isn't
>> clear to me - does that need rephrasing or is it
>> just me?
>> this is the first mention of cookies, which
>> I found surprising, but that's all;-)
>> the 2nd "ways to achieve this" bullet is
>> a bit unclear - which "It" and whose browser? I
>> think this could be clearer.
>> typo: s/as native app/as a native application/
>> what does "assume" the threat mean?
>> typo: s/an user interaction/a user interaction/
>> typo: s/CAPTCAs, or/CAPTCHAs/ or else get
>> rid of the "or" from the last bullet
>> typo: s/send out of bound/sent out of band/
>> typo: s/instance message/instant message/
> considerably re-worded this section
>> typo? s/directing user(s) browser/directing
>> the user's browser/ ?
>> I don't get the explanation here. Are you
>> assuming (but not saying) that generating non-trivial
>> entropy is a slow process? (e.g. /dev/random blocking?)
>> Its also not clear what "pool" you mean? This probably
>> needs a bit of tweaking.
>> semicomplete.com may not be a sufficiently
>> stable reference - can't you find a better one?
> unfortunately not
>> typo: s/Defenses such rate limiting/Defenses
>> such as rate limiting/
>> typo: s/an anonymizing systems/an anonymizing
>> system/
>> nicest typo yet! s/annoying system/anonymizing
>> system/ :-)
>> typo? maybe s/iframe/iFrame/ again?
>> 1st reference to "the CSRF token" here? That
>> might warrant a reference of some sort? (Maybe to
>> a later section?)
>> Facebook again.
>> Signing the code seems like a bit of a hack.  Do
>> you really want to recommend this here? I suspect it'd end
>> up different if you actually tried it out aiming for an
>> interoperable solution. I'd suggest deleting this, or
>> maybe make it less specific, e.g. saying if origin
>> authentication for authorization codes could be validated
>> by clients, then that'd be a countermeasure, but that
>> there's no current spec for that. (And doing that might
>> just move the DoS to somewhere else depending how you
>> did it.)
>> 4.4.2: typo: s/and It cannot/and it cannot/
>> Is the countermeasure here TLS? If so, better to
>> say so.
>> requests aren't cached are they but rather
>> responses?
>> typo: s/An malicious/A malicious/
>> The reference back to isn't very
>> clear since a lot of the countermeasures there
>> mention authentication. It'd be better to explicitly
>> list things here or else if you stick with the
>> backwards reference to be more explicit about whic
>> exactly apply.
>> Is this entirely identical to That
>> doesn't seem right. If it is, then say so explicitly.
>> If not, then say what's different.
>> 4.4.3: 1st mention of username/password anti-pattern,
>> so you could add a reference
>> 4.4.3: Be good to metion here that passwords are often
>> used for >1 service, so this anti-pattern risks whatever
>> else is accessible with that credential or an
>> algorithmically derivable equivalent (e.g.
>> j...@example.com/pwd  might easily allow someone to guess
>> that the same pwd is used forjoe.u...@example.net) and
>> then another countermeasure is to educate users to
>> not use the same pwd for multiple services (hard as
>> that is to really do;-)
>> again digest auth isn't a good example
>> here, but client certs are.
>> What does "Abandon on grant type..." mean?
>> If you mean "don't do this" then say that more
>> clearly.
> Changed to "Consider not to use grant type "password""
>> 4.6.2: typo: s/transport security measure/transport
>> security measures/ or maybe just say TLS
>> 4.6.2: typo: s/nounces/nonces/
>> 4.6.3: 1st countermeasure: maybe s/difficult/infeasible/
>> I don't see why "difficult" guessing is hard enough?
>> 4.6.4: typo: s/a valid access tokens/a valid access token/
>> 4.6.4: Do you mean the IP address in the 2nd
>> countermeasure?  I'm not sure, esp. given the above.
>> 4.6.4: typo: s/miss the capabilities/lack the capability/
>> 4.6.6: reference to 2616 is broken
>> 4.6.6: Should you reference httpbis drafts? Just asking, I
>> can see arguments for referencing just 2616 or just
>> httpbis or both, given that this'll be read for hopefully
>> a while after httpbis is done.
>> 4.6.7: referrer vs. referer again
>> 4.6.7: What is an appropriat logging configuration? Can
>> you give a reference maybe or is it really that well
>> known?
>> 4.6.7: Reloading the target page again? Are you really
>> recommending that?
>> 5.1: typo: s/consideratios/considerations/
>> 5.1.3: I think you should note the email notifications
>> can be a phishing vector so don't make your emails
>> such that lookalike phish messages can easily be
>> derived from them.
>> 5.1.3: Don't you need to say something about getting
>> email notifications delivered and not treated as spam?
>> Maybe you could recommend dkim here or other ways to
>> get better delivery. (Not sure myself, probably best
>> to ask someone who operates like this so see if there's
>> stuff to be said.)
>> typo: s/not store credential/not store
>> credentials/
>> salted hashes don't prevent offline
>> dictionary attacks, they just increase the workload
>> would it be worthwhile recommending that
>> different client credentials be used in development
>> or integration mode vs. when operational? I've seen
>> a bunch of times when programmers were given "live"
>> API keys when that could've been avoided.
>> I don't get this. If it was only that
>> easy:-) I think you need to say which private keys
>> are used here and for what for this section to be
>> useful.
>> I think you could note that complex password
>> policies can also increase the liklihood that users
>> re-use passwords or write them down or store them
>> somewhere not so good, if e.g. the entropy required
>> over all the user's passwords (dozens usually) is
>> too great for long-term memory.
>> typo: s/Basis of/The basis of/
>> typo: s/sensible service/sensitive service/
>> (2nd best typo:-)
>> typo: s/preciser/more precise/
>> typo: s/refreshments/refreshes/
>> 2nd bullet is not a threat but a goal
>> typo: s/redeem a/redeem an/
>> what is a "rough" server? Do you mean rogue?
>> I think you need to clarify what "address"
>> means here too.
>> please clarify if you mean digitally signed
>> (asymmetric) or also include MACing here
>> typo: s/Self-contained/Self-contained tokens/
>> s/privacy/confidentiality/ ?
>> this (typically, I'd guess) requires sharing
>> symmetric keys between server nodes, so you should
>> say that as its a bunch of work.
>> I don't get why you want to repeat this
>> text (and its error:-) better to refer back to
>> the earlier section I think.
>> Another place where a SAML reference would
>> be needed.
>> 5.1.6: 2nd bullet is not a "measure" but a goal. If
>> you had something in mind, it doesn't come out from
>> that text.
>> You say the binding should be protected, but
>> don't say how. I think you ought.
>> 5.2.3: typo: s/sub-sequent/subsequent/ but maybe
>> better to delete the word
>> 5.2.3: 2nd bullet - "trustworthiness" has gotta
>> be the wrong word there, what did you mean?
>> 5.2.3: typo: s/statics/statistics/
>> 5.2.3: typo: s/support achieve objectives/achieve these
>> objectives/ ?
>> 5.2.3: typo: s/by hand of an administrator/something
>> better/
>> "prevents...overestimating" seems wrong, I think
>> you mean it reduces the probability of mistakenly treating
>> a useless authentication as a good one. (The point is
>> that servers don't "overestimate," only people do that.)
>> "cannot be entirely protected" seems like
>> understatement - the reality is any such secret will
>> leak out from anything that's any way successful. It
>> only protects stuff that *nobody* cares about.
>> typo: s/trust on/trust/ But I'd rephrase it
>> to not use the terms "trust" nor "identity" and then
>> it'd be better I think.
>> typo? s/The authorization may/The authrozation
>> server may/ ? Not sure what "issue a cliend id" means
>> either. (Same in
>> typo: s/A authorization server/An authorization
>> server/
>> what are "validated properties"?
>> what is the 1st bullet list on p57? there's
>> no introductory text?
>> the "it" in "it only works" in the last
>> paragraph isn't clear - which "it" do you mean?
>> saying discovery "gets involved" seems
>> wrong - do you mean "is used"? And what is the
>> "that" in "that's no longer feasible"?
>> typo: s/be unintentionally for/unintentionally
>> affect/?
>> typo: s/to distribute client_secret/to
>> distribute a client_secret/
>> Is a "security certificate" a public key
>> certificate? If so, saying that is better.
>> the references to 5.7.2.x are wrong and
>> look like you're missing some xref's in the xml
>> maybe
>> you said "address" again, so the usual
>> question arises :-)
>> typo: s/in all situation/in situations/
>> (not sure "all" is right so suggest deleting it)
>> again, be good to say how to protect
>> the binding
>> as for say how binding is done
>> 5.3.1: typo: s/a associated/an associated/
>> 5.3.1: "entirely protected" is (again:-) understatement
>> see above for a suggestion
>> 5.3.1: what does "trust on the client's identity" mean?
>> Its not clear anyway
>> 5.3.3: typo: s/operation systems/operating systems/
>> (enrire 2nd & 3rd paras could do with re-phrasing)
>> 5.3.4: typo: s/their level/the level/
>> 5.3.5: this is too terse - is it really finished? I'd
>> say there's a sentence or two missing.
>> 5.4.2: what does it mean to "encourage resource
>> servers" to do something? I guess you mean to encourage
>> the people deploying those to pick resource servers
>> with that capability and to turn that on.
>> 5.4.2: not sure if everyone will know what a
>> "distinguished name" is, maybe add a reference to
>> rfc 5280?
>> 5.4.2: token-bound secrets would be used to MAC
>> the request and not to sign, be better to make that
>> clear even if you still call that "signing" here
>> (its not really, if we're being pedantic)
>> 5.4.2: typo: s/This mechanisms/This mechanism/
>> 5.4.2 and 5.4.3: I forget - where are the protocol
>> mechanisms for this defined? Can you give a reference
>> or say that its future stuff if there aren't any
>> good ones?
>> 5.5: typo: s/capable to validate/capable of validating/
>> 8.1: Is the base spec really normative? I'd say you're
>> fine with that as informative too.
>> 8.2: there are a bunch of references missing as per
>> the questions above
>> 8.2: is there no better (more stable) reference than
>> portablecontacts.net?
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