

On 2012-07-03, at 2:12 PM, Brian Campbell wrote:

> Thanks for the feedback Phil.
> In the case of §2.1, "Using SAML Assertions as Authorization Grants"
> the intent was to allow for such a SAML grant to be used with or
> without client authentication. Whether or not client authentication is
> required (and what type of authentication) would be a
> deployment/policy decision of the AS. But both are possible from the
> spec.
Yes. This makes sense. However in light of the recent discussion about bearer 
codes and tokens I'm a little more nervous of convolving the grant and client 
authentication together. It's really the token server that should properly 
authenticate the client and obscuring that act by combining in a single grant 
may serve to confuse. There is also the issue of offering too many choices.

Just an opinion, but I can live with your suggestion that grant can be used 

> In the case of §2.2, "Using SAML Assertions for Client
> Authentication", yes it's just providing an alternative method of
> client authentication beyond what's specified in §2.3 of core. It
> doesn't really do anything on its own and must be used in conjunction
> with the grant_type parameter.
> I'll take a stab at some clarifying text and/or examples for those
> points of confusion. Suggestions are, of course, welcome too.

Works for me.
> On Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 1:15 PM, Phil Hunt <> wrote:
>> I have had a couple developers get confused by sections 2.1 and 2.2 of the 
>> spec. What seems to be happening is they read them as distinct complete 
>> flows rather then considering the core spec still applies.
>> In the case of 2.1, "Using SAML Assertions as Authorization Grants" they 
>> forget that a client credential is also needed and only specify the SAML 
>> authorization assuming it includes both (which may or may not be intended).
>> In the case of 2.2, "Using SAML Assertions for Client Authentication", they 
>> are not making the link that the client authentication may be used in 
>> connection with any of the OAuth flows. They are instead treating this as a 
>> new flow. IOW they forget to add the grant_type parameter.
>> It might be helpful to include complete examples for each of 2.1 and 2.2 to 
>> clarify.
>> Phil
>> @independentid
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