Hi Mike

Reading over the spec, I think some more color in 4.2 on the risks of the 
Implicit Grant and where it makes sense and where it does not is in order. 
Also, this should be in Section 9.


-- Dick

On Jul 9, 2012, at 12:08 AM, Mike Jones wrote:

> A preliminary version of OAuth core draft -29 is attached for the working 
> group’s consideration and discussion on today’s call.  I believe that this 
> addresses all issues that have been raised, including Julian’s issues about 
> the ABNF, character sets, and form encoding.  Changes are:
> Added "MUST" to "A public client that was not issued a client password MUST 
> use the client_id request parameter to identify itself when sending requests 
> to the token endpoint" and added text explaining why this must be so.
> Added that the authorization server MUST "ensure the authorization code was 
> issued to the authenticated confidential client or to the public client 
> identified by the client_id in the request".
> Added Security Considerations section "Misuse of Access Token to Impersonate 
> Resource Owner at Public Client".
> Deleted ";charset=UTF-8" from examples formerly using "Content-Type: 
> application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8".
> Added the phrase "and a character encoding of UTF-8" when describing how to 
> send requests using the HTTP request entity-body, per Julian Reschke's 
> suggestion.
> Added "The ABNF below is defined in terms of Unicode code points [UNICODE5]; 
> these characters are typically encoded in UTF-8".
> For symmetry when using HTTP Basic authentication, also apply the 
> application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoding to the client password, just as 
> was already done for the client identifier.
> Reduced multiple blank lines around artwork elements to single blank lines.
> Removed Eran Hammer's name from the author list, at his request. Dick Hardt 
> is now listed as the editor.
>                                                             Best wishes,
>                                                             -- Mike
> <draft-ietf-oauth-v2-29 preliminary.txt><draft-ietf-oauth-v2-29 
> preliminary.html><draft-ietf-oauth-v2-29 
> preliminary.pdf><draft-ietf-oauth-v2-29 
> preliminary.xml>_______________________________________________
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> OAuth@ietf.org
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