Hi Hannes, all,

Sorry to have been slow with the AD review here. I've only
a few comments (below) that can be handled as IETF LC
comments. Any changes as a result of the recent thread on
the definition of Issuer can also be done then.

Unless someone tells me to hold off for a new version, I'll
request IETF LC for this later today.


section 3, 2nd para: this says that an Issuer "signs"
assertions, I think you do include MACing as well, right? If
so, better to say so, so maybe s/signs/integrity protects/
would be better? If you are going to stick with "sign" to mean
either digital signature or MAC, then please say so

s3, 3rd para: if assertions MUST be signed, then MUST they
also be verified by RPs? I think you should say.

5.2: "The Audience SHOULD be the URL of the Authorization
Server's Token Endpoint" - are there any issues there with URL
comparisons that need to be specified here? Or is that
something to do for a specific type of assertion? Either way,
might be good to say.

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