That is better, but I don't see an advantage to that over using a query 

They are equally restful or not as the case may be.

To be more restful I think you want a single endpoint using HTTP verbs.

POST /reg_endpoint?paramaters …  -> register
PUT  /reg_endpoint?client_id=12345&paramaters -> update
PUT /reg_endpoint?client_id=12345&rotate_secret=true

The downside is developers understanding 

On 2013-01-30, at 1:17 PM, Justin Richer <> wrote:

> On 01/30/2013 10:55 AM, John Bradley wrote:
>> My feeling was that letting the registration endpoint be a single URL (any 
>> url) and using query paramaters was easer for servers and clients.
>> Saying take the base URI for the registration endpoint and append these 
>> paths to it to do different operations seems more likely to go wrong fro 
>> developers.
> Right, and to clarify, this isn't what I was saying. The spec wouldn't 
> specify the path at all, just say that they're three different endpoint URLs. 
> The same way that we specify that the auth endpoint and token endpoint are 
> different URLs.
> I think my example might have been misleading. The URLs could just as easily 
> be:
> client_register -> /register_a_new_client
> rotate_secret -> /client/go_get_a_secret_or_something
> client_update-> /maintenance/update_client_information
>> Allowing both bath and query parameters is the worst option.
>> I am sympathetic with using POST and PUT and perhaps GET but I worry about 
>> OAuth developers not getting it.
>> I also don't get Tony's point about multi tenancy.  If each tenant can have 
>> there own registration endpoint I don't see a problem beyond finding the 
>> endpoint and that is what we have WF for.
> Exactly. And to Bill's point in another thread, we could also register a link 
> type for each endpoint to help facilitate discovery: 
> -- Justin
>> John B.
>> On 2013-01-24, at 11:26 AM, Justin Richer <> wrote:
>>> On 01/24/2013 05:56 AM, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
>>>> I like this most, would rename it to say
>>>> /oauth/client/registration
>>>> or
>>>> /oauth/client-registration
>>>> etc
>>>> and reword the spec such that it will let those who implement do it with 
>>>> one endpoint or many, whatever is preferred
>>> That's the whole point of this discussion -- I don't believe you can have 
>>> it both ways.
>>> In one way, you say there are three endpoints and, if you're keeping with 
>>> the rest of OAuth, you don't give them official URL patterns that they must 
>>> follow. How the client gets those endpoints is up to discovery or 
>>> configuration, but the client has an internal map from each bit of 
>>> functionality to a particular URL that's specific to the service, much in 
>>> the same way that the client today has to map the authorization and token 
>>> endpoints. In the other method, you've got one endpoint that the client 
>>> sends a well-defined parameter to in order to accomplish the same goal.
>>> So if you allow both at once, does a client send the "operation" parameter 
>>> or not? Is it looking for one url or three to store in its configuration? I 
>>> don't think this level of flexibility buys you anything useful, and I 
>>> strongly believe that it will deeply hurt the functionality of dynamic 
>>> registration if it's allowed.
>>> As it stands today, you can still make the URL whatever you want. If we 
>>> went with three endpoints you could also make those URLs whatever you 
>>> wanted. Nobody has yet pointed out to me what the actual benefit is of 
>>> making both valid.
>>> I personally prefer the method of three endpoint URLs because it's cleaner 
>>> and semantically equivalent, but I am hesitant to change that behavior 
>>> unless there's strong working group support for it. I haven't seen real 
>>> support for it yet -- it's not a good call to make it fully RESTful, and 
>>> it's not a good call to leave it undefined. A client MUST have a very clear 
>>> recipe of what to do on startup for this to work in the wild.
>>> -- Justin
>>>>> help multitenancy? How does it even affect that use case? Consider that
>>>>> the base URL for all of these is completely up to the host environment
>>>>> (nothing is bound to the root URL). Consider that clients still have to
>>>>> know what the URL (or URLs) are, in either case. Consider that clients
>>>>> still need to know how to manage all the parameters and responses.
>>>>> If anything, keeping it the way that it is with a single URL could be
>>>>> argued to help multitenancy because setting up routing to multiple URL
>>>>> endpoints can sometimes be problematic in hosted environments. However,
>>>>> OAuth already defines a bunch of endpoints, and we have to define at
>>>>> least one more with this extension, so I'm not convinced that having
>>>>> three with specific functions is really any different from having one
>>>>> with three functions from a development, deployment, and implementation
>>>>> perspective. I can tell you from experience that in our own server code,
>>>>> the difference is trivial. (And from OAuth1 experience, you can always
>>>>> have a query parameter as part of your endpoint URL if you need to. You
>>>>> might hate yourself for doing it that way, but nothing says your base
>>>>> URL can't already have parameters on it. A client just needs to know how
>>>>> to appropriately tack its parameters onto an existing URL, and any HTTP
>>>>> client worth its salt will know how to augment a query parameter set
>>>>> with new items.)
>>>>> The *real* difference between the two approaches is a philosophical
>>>>> design one. The former overloads one URL with multiple functions
>>>>> switched by a flag, the latter uses the URL itself as an implicit flag.
>>>>> Under the hood, these could (and in many cases will) be all served by
>>>>> the same chunks of code. The only difference is how this switch in
>>>>> functionality is presented.
>>>>> With that said, can somebody please explain to me how allowing *both* of
>>>>> these as options simultaneously (what I understand Tony to be
>>>>> suggesting) is a good idea, or how multitenancy even comes into play?
>>>>> Because I am completely not seeing how these are related.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> -- Justin
>>>>> On 01/23/2013 12:46 PM, Anthony Nadalin wrote:
>>>>>> It will not work the way you have it, as people do multi-tendency 
>>>>>> different and they are already stuck with the method that they have 
>>>>>> chosen, so they need the flexability, to restrict this is nuts as people 
>>>>>> won't use it.
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: Justin Richer []
>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 9:27 AM
>>>>>> To: Anthony Nadalin
>>>>>> Cc: Nat Sakimura; Shiu Fun Poon;
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Concerning OAuth introspection
>>>>>> I completely disagree with this assessment. Multi-tenancy will work just 
>>>>>> fine (or even better) if everyone uses the same pattern. Telling someone 
>>>>>> "it might be three different urls or it might be all one url with a 
>>>>>> parameter" is just asking for a complete disaster. What does the 
>>>>>> flexibility of allowing two approaches actually accomplish?
>>>>>> You can argue about the merits of either approach, but having both as 
>>>>>> unspecified options for registration, which is meant to help things get 
>>>>>> going in a cold-boot environment, is just plain nuts.
>>>>>> -- Justin
>>>>>> On 01/23/2013 12:21 PM, Anthony Nadalin wrote:
>>>>>>> Registration has to work in a multi-tenant environment  so flexibility
>>>>>>> is needed
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: Justin Richer []
>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 9:18 AM
>>>>>>> To: Anthony Nadalin
>>>>>>> Cc: Nat Sakimura; Shiu Fun Poon;
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Concerning OAuth introspection
>>>>>>> Because then nobody would know how to actually use the thing.
>>>>>>> In my opinion, this is a key place where this kind of flexibility is a 
>>>>>>> very bad thing. Registration needs to work one fairly predictable way.
>>>>>>> -- Justin
>>>>>>> On 01/23/2013 12:14 PM, Anthony Nadalin wrote:
>>>>>>>> Why not just have a physical and logical endpoint options
>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>> [] On
>>>>>>>> Behalf Of Justin Richer
>>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 7:47 AM
>>>>>>>> To: Nat Sakimura
>>>>>>>> Cc: Shiu Fun Poon;
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Concerning OAuth introspection
>>>>>>>> Which brings up an interesting question for the Registration doc: 
>>>>>>>> right now, it's set up as a single endpoint with three operations. We 
>>>>>>>> could instead define three endpoints for the different operations.
>>>>>>>> I've not been keen to make that deep of a cutting change to it, but it 
>>>>>>>> would certainly be cleaner and more RESTful API design. What do others 
>>>>>>>> think?
>>>>>>>> -- Justin
>>>>>>>> On 01/22/2013 08:05 PM, Nat Sakimura wrote:
>>>>>>>>> "Action" goes against REST principle.
>>>>>>>>> I do not think it is a good idea.
>>>>>>>>> =nat via iPhone
>>>>>>>>> Jan 23, 2013 4:00、Justin Richer<>  のメッセージ:
>>>>>>>>>> (CC'ing the working group)
>>>>>>>>>> I'm not sure what the "action/operation" flag would accomplish. The 
>>>>>>>>>> idea behind having different endpoints in OAuth is that they each do 
>>>>>>>>>> different kinds of things. The only "action/operation" that I had 
>>>>>>>>>> envisioned for the introspection endpoint is introspection itself: 
>>>>>>>>>> "I have a token, what does it mean?"
>>>>>>>>>> Note that client_id and client_secret *can* already be used at this 
>>>>>>>>>> endpoint if the server supports that as part of their client 
>>>>>>>>>> credentials setup. The examples use HTTP Basic with client id and 
>>>>>>>>>> secret right now. Basically, the client can authenticate however it 
>>>>>>>>>> wants, including any of the methods that OAuth2 allows on the token 
>>>>>>>>>> endpoint. It could also authenticate with an access token. At least, 
>>>>>>>>>> that's the intent of the introspection draft -- if that's unclear, 
>>>>>>>>>> I'd be happy to accept suggested changes to clarify this text.
>>>>>>>>>>  -- Justin
>>>>>>>>>> On 01/22/2013 01:00 PM, Shiu Fun Poon wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Justin,
>>>>>>>>>>> This spec is looking good..
>>>>>>>>>>> One thing I would like to recommend is to add "action"/"operation"
>>>>>>>>>>> to the request.  (and potentially add client_id and client_secret)
>>>>>>>>>>> So the request will be like :
>>>>>>>>>>> token REQUIRED
>>>>>>>>>>> operation (wording to be determine)  OPTIONAL inquire (default) | 
>>>>>>>>>>> revoke ...
>>>>>>>>>>> resource_id OPTIONAL
>>>>>>>>>>> client_id OPTIONAL
>>>>>>>>>>> client_secret OPTIONAL
>>>>>>>>>>> And for the OAuth client information, it should be an optional 
>>>>>>>>>>> parameter (in case it is a public client or client is authenticated 
>>>>>>>>>>> with SSL mutual authentication).
>>>>>>>>>>> Please consider.
>>>>>>>>>>> ShiuFun
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