+1. I think that is correct characterization. 


Sent from my phone.

On 2013-03-11, at 12:42, Nat Sakimura <sakim...@gmail.com> wrote:

> No. I am not confusing scope with audience. 
> There is no standard scope. So, the scope has to be either defined by the 
> resource or the authorization server. 
> Just stating scope is too vague that you will not able to find out whose 
> scope it is. 
> That is why I wrote that the scope has to be understood in the context of 
> aud. 
> Audience is the resource. So what I wrote amounts to be that the scope 
> expressed in the token is what was defined by the resource and not the 
> authorization server. 
> It could be authorization server's scope, but then there would be a 
> complication that the resource has to be able to resolve that to its own 
> scope. Expressing the scope as the audience's scope will free us from this 
> problem. 
> Nat
> =nat via iPhone
> Mar 11, 2013 10:38、Lewis Adam-CAL022 <adam.le...@motorolasolutions.com> 
> のメッセージ:
>> I would not even want to confuse audience with scope.  Maybe in the simplest 
>> of cases, where there is a one-to-one mapping between scope and audience, 
>> but in reality the RS could expose multiple APIs at the same endpoint.  
>> Granted the RS could extract the audience field based on a fully qualified 
>> scope, but it just seems that claims, scopes, and audiences are each unique 
>> and should be kept that way.
>> adam
>> From: Phil Hunt [mailto:phil.h...@oracle.com] 
>> Sent: Monday, March 11, 2013 9:25 AM
>> To: Nat Sakimura
>> Cc: Lewis Adam-CAL022; oauth@ietf.org WG
>> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] JWT - scope claim missing
>> One thing that concerns me is that scope is very different from a claim. An 
>> claim is an assertion provided that may have some level of dispute/quality 
>> etc.
>> A scope defines what is request or what has been authorized.  It's an 
>> absolute thing. Therefore it is not a claim. Audience...maybe. 
>> This is why I think scope deserves special attention/discussion in 
>> authorization assertions and in access tokens.
>> Phil
>> @independentid
>> www.independentid.com
>> phil.h...@oracle.com
>> On 2013-03-10, at 9:17 PM, Nat Sakimura wrote:
>> So, it is soooo late in the game: I have been completely underwater to even 
>> read the OAuth mails for about a month and slowly catching up now. 
>> Here is an I-D that I have created partly in response to the RS-AS 
>> interaction piece that was talked about at IETF 85. 
>> It does not have 'scope' and has 'claims' instead as it was based on OpenID 
>> Connect, but it is easy to add, provided that the scopes are to be 
>> understood as that of the 'aud'. 
>> http://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-sakimura-oidc-structured-token-01.txt
>> Best, 
>> Nat
>> 2013/3/1 Lewis Adam-CAL022 <adam.le...@motorolasolutions.com>
>> Hmmm, I’m not so sure.  It depends where we all think OAuth is on its 
>> trajectory.  On one hand, OAuth has already seen an insanely massive amount 
>> of deployment.  On the other hand, RESTful APIs see no sign of slowing down. 
>>   Now I’m not going to go so far as Craig B. and say that everything and 
>> everyone will be API enabled in the future, but it sure is going to be a 
>> lot.  That being said, one could argue that even with all the OAuth 
>> implementation we’ve seen, that this is just the infancy of it.  Obviously a 
>> WG profile of a JWT-structured AT could not deprecate other forms 
>> (unstructured, SAML, etc.) but going forward new developers may choose to 
>> embrace this, and in fact this could even be the guidance.   I agree with 
>> previous comments that Justin’s introspection draft might be a good place to 
>> explore this.
>> adam
>> From: Brian Campbell [mailto:bcampb...@pingidentity.com] 
>> Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2013 1:36 PM
>> To: Lewis Adam-CAL022
>> Cc: John Bradley; oauth@ietf.org WG
>> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] JWT - scope claim missing
>> I do agree that a WG profile of a JWT-structured access token could lend 
>> itself to interoperability and ultimately be a useful thing. But you are 
>> right that there already are many implementations out there in the wild 
>> (heck, I've written one myself) and that might make it difficult to 
>> standardize on something.
>> Because of that, and many other reasons, I don't want to try and add that to 
>> existing assertion drafts.
>> On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 12:13 PM, Lewis Adam-CAL022 
>> <adam.le...@motorolasolutions.com> wrote:
>> Hi Brian, a few thoughts from somebody outside of the WG …
>> As a newcomer to OAuth last year, I was initially confused by the titles.  
>> It was confusing because we have SAML bearer *assertions* and JWT bearer 
>> *tokens* … and as John just (begrudgingly) stated in this thread, the JWT is 
>> being used as an assertion in this profile (and in OIDC).  I think it will 
>> be difficult to find a good name for these profiles since they do two 
>> entirely different things (e.g. define a new grant type and define a new 
>> method of client authentication).  One could argue that as long as the WG is 
>> at it, then why not add a third section to the JWT profile, which talks 
>> about usage of JWT-structured bearer access tokens: it would not be any less 
>> related than the other two focuses of the doc.  Then the document could be 
>> called something simple like “profiles of JWT usage in OAuth” or something 
>> like that. 
>> On one hand, it is probably naïve to think that an access token can be 
>> standardized in a profile given how many have already been released into the 
>> wild, but on the other hand, a WG profile of a JWT-structured access token 
>> could lend itself to interoperability, where AS implementations can 
>> advertise conformance to the profile and who knows … maybe the RS’s of the 
>> future will be good with this. 
>> adam
>> From: oauth-boun...@ietf.org [mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of 
>> Brian Campbell
>> Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2013 1:03 PM
>> To: John Bradley
>> Cc: oauth@ietf.org WG
>> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] JWT - scope claim missing
>> I'm not sure anyone really "picked" the titles for the bearer token 
>> profiles. They just kind of evolved. And evolved in funny ways especially 
>> when client authn to the AS was added.
>> You won't hear me argue that the titles are "good" and this is not the first 
>> time there's been confusion about what they actually do. They define new 
>> grant types and new client authentication methods. They *do not* define an 
>> access token format or anything else about access tokens. JWT and SAML could 
>> be used for that but that's not what these drafts do.
>> Suggestions for better title(s) would be more than welcome.
>> Here's what they are now:
>> SAML 2.0 Bearer Assertion Profiles for OAuth 2.0
>> draft-ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer
>> JSON Web Token (JWT) Bearer Token Profiles for OAuth 2.0
>> draft-ietf-oauth-jwt-bearer
>> Assertion Framework for OAuth 2.0
>> draft-ietf-oauth-assertions
>> On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 11:36 AM, John Bradley <ve7...@ve7jtb.com> wrote:
>> Yes the title likely adds to the confusion given that the bearer tokens are 
>> not access tokens.
>> Things as separate from OAuth as the Firefox browerID spec use JWS signed 
>> JWTs.  
>> The bearer token profiles for OAuth 2 are for OAuth2.
>> The JSON Web Token (JWT) spec did not start in OAuth and is not OAuth 
>> specific.
>> A JWT is:
>> JSON Web Token (JWT)  A string representing a set of claims as a JSON
>>       object that is encoded in a JWS or JWE, enabling the claims to be
>>       digitally signed or MACed and/or encrypted.
>> So OAuth or other profiles may define claims to go in a JWT, but the JWT 
>> needs to itself only define the claims necessary for security processing.  
>> John B.
>> PS that was a soft ball If you hadn't responded I would have been 
>> disappointed.  I din't pick the title for the bearer token profiles.
>> On 2013-02-28, at 10:12 AM, Phil Hunt <phil.h...@oracle.com> wrote:
>> JSON Web Token (JWT) Bearer Token Profiles for OAuth 2.0
>> Note the title says "for OAuth2"
>> Sorry. Couldn't resist. 
>> Phil
>> Sent from my phone.
>> On 2013-02-28, at 9:40, John Bradley <ve7...@ve7jtb.com> wrote:
>> JWT is an assertion( I am probably going to regret using that word).
>> It is used in openID connect for id_tokens, it is used in OAuth for 
>> Assertion grant types and authentication of the client to the token endpoint.
>> http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-jwt-bearer-04
>> JSON Web Token (JWT) Bearer Token Profiles for OAuth 2.0
>> Dosen't define JWT's use for access tokens for the RS.   
>> Bottom line JWT is for more than access tokens.
>> John B.
>> On 2013-02-28, at 9:28 AM, Phil Hunt <phil.h...@oracle.com> wrote:
>> Are you saying jwt is not an access token type?
>> Phil
>> Sent from my phone.
>> On 2013-02-28, at 8:58, John Bradley <ve7...@ve7jtb.com> wrote:
>> Yes, defining scope in JWT is the wrong place.   JWT needs to stick to the 
>> security claims needed to process JWT.
>> I also don't know how far you get requiring a specific authorization format 
>> for JWT, some AS will wan to use a opaque reference, some might want to use 
>> a user claim or role claim, others may use scopes,  combining scopes and 
>> claims is also possible.
>> Right now it is up to a AS RS pair to agree on how to communicate 
>> authorization.   I don't want MAC to be more restrictive than bearer when it 
>> comes to authorization between AS and RS.
>> Hannes wanted to know why JWT didn't define scope.  The simple answer is 
>> that it is out of scope for JWT itself.   It might be defined in a OAuth 
>> access token profile for JWT but it should not be specific to MAC.
>> John B.
>> On 2013-02-28, at 8:44 AM, Brian Campbell <bcampb...@pingidentity.com> wrote:
>> I think John's point was more that scope is something rather specific to an 
>> OAuth access token and, while JWT is can be used to represent an access 
>> token, it's not the only application of JWT. The 'standard' claims in JWT 
>> are those that are believed (right or wrong) to be widely applicable across 
>> different applications of JWT. One could argue about it but scope is 
>> probably not one of those.
>> It would probably make sense to try and build a profile of JWT specifically 
>> for OAuth access tokens (though I suspect there are some turtles and dragons 
>> in there), which might be the appropriate place to define/register a scope 
>> claim.
>> On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 9:24 AM, Phil Hunt <phil.h...@oracle.com> wrote:
>> Are you advocating TWO systems? That seems like a bad choice.
>> I would rather fix scope than go to a two system approach.
>> Phil
>> Sent from my phone.
>> On 2013-02-28, at 8:17, John Bradley <ve7...@ve7jtb.com> wrote:
>> > While scope is one method that a AS could communicate authorization to a 
>> > RS, it is not the only or perhaps even the most likely one.
>> > Using scope requires a relatively tight binding between the RS and AS,  
>> > UMA uses a different mechanism that describes finer grained operations.
>> > The AS may include roles, user, or other more abstract claims that the the 
>> > client may (god help them) pass on to EXCML for processing.
>> >
>> > While having a scopes claim is possible, like any other claim it is not 
>> > part of the JWT core security processing claims, and needs to be defined 
>> > by extension.
>> >
>> > John B.
>> > On 2013-02-28, at 2:29 AM, Hannes Tschofenig <hannes.tschofe...@gmx.net> 
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> >> Hi Mike,
>> >>
>> >> when I worked on the MAC specification I noticed that the JWT does not 
>> >> have a claim for the scope. I believe that this would be needed to allow 
>> >> the resource server to verify whether the scope the authorization server 
>> >> authorized is indeed what the client is asking for.
>> >>
>> >> Ciao
>> >> Hannes
>> >>
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>> -- 
>> Nat Sakimura (=nat)
>> Chairman, OpenID Foundation
>> http://nat.sakimura.org/
>> @_nat_en
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