
It is my understanding there will be new draft (or a revision of the MAC draft) 
that builds on the JWT draft to define a secure (MAC) token based on the  
security requirements presentation I gave today. 

I believe all/most of your questions should be addressed in the security draft: 



On 2013-03-14, at 11:05 PM, Peck, Michael A wrote:

> To explain my comment at the microphone today:
> Section 8 states:
> JWTs use JSON Web Signature (JWS) [JWS] and JSON Web Encryption (JWE)
> [JWE] to sign and/or encrypt the contents of the JWT.
> I believe it’d be useful to expand upon this to give guidance to those using 
> JWT on what they should do to cryptographically protect it.  When should they 
> do nothing? When should they just sign? When should they just encrypt? When 
> should they sign and then encrypt? What security properties does each option 
> provide or not provide?
> The choices seem to be:
> 1.       No JWS and no JWE – assumes the JWT is protected through some other 
> mechanism or that it doesn’t need to be protected
> 2.       JWS – probably OK if confidentiality is not necessary. 
> 3.       JWE:
> Authentication is not provided unless a shared symmetric key is used (if it’s 
> asymmetric encryption, only integrity protection will be provided, not 
> authentication). 
> Under what conditions is authentication necessary or not necessary?
> AES-GCM may not be safe to use with a shared symmetric key (I sent feedback 
> on this to the jose mailing list).
> draft-ietf-oauth-v2-http-mac for example seems to currently solely use JWE 
> and says “this keying material is a symmetric or asymmetric long-term key 
> established between the resoruce server and authorization server”.  If it’s 
> asymmetric, a JWS seems to also be necessary to authenticate the 
> authorization server as the source of the JWT?
> 4.       JWS then JWE:
> A recipient who is an attacker/who is compromised could potentially strip off 
> the JWE (making it just a JWS) or strip the JWE and replace it with another 
> JWE to cause confusion about the intended recipient of the JWT and forward it 
> on to another recipient.  The presence of the “aud” (Audience) claim seems to 
> protect against this.  However, the “aud” claim is optional in JWTs.
> Thanks,
> Mike
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