
On 2013-05-20, at 8:45, Justin Richer <> wrote:

> On 05/17/2013 07:29 PM, Phil Hunt wrote:
>> He's saying every client gets a registration token and a client token.
> What's a "client token", exactly? There are three potential places for OAuth 
> tokens in and around dynamic registration, and none of them are called 
> "client token".

<ph> i meant client credential. Client token is obviously a type of client 
> 1) The registration access token, which binds a "client" (or "instance of a 
> client", if you will) to a set of registration information at a specific 
> authorization server. The client uses this to call its Client Information 
> Endpoint to do updates, refreshes, and potentially delete itself. This token 
> is *only* good at this Client Information Endpoint, and nowhere else. This 
> token is specific to the registration it represents.

<ph> This is not apparent at all. No more than binding the registration to the 
client credential since the implication is one reg -> one client cred and one 
reg token. 

John Bradley has brought up seemingly other scenarios that would not bind but 
rather associates a dev or an admin to a reg. i may be wrong. I have not had 
time to consider his explanations yet. 

What seems clear is that there is confusion as to the purpose and role for this 
token and what the use cases are for registration. 

My plan is to review and suggest clarifying text and changes if necessary this 
> 2) The (optional) initial token used to authenticate to the Client 
> Registration Endpoint. This is *not* the registration access token, and it is 
> *not* used to access the Client Information Endpoint. How the client or 
> developer get this token is out of scope. How the registration server 
> validates this token is out of scope. The structure and contents of this 
> token are out of scope.
> 3) The access/refresh tokens that a registered client eventually gets from 
> the Token Endpoint and uses with protected resources. These tokens aren't 
> used at the Client Registration Endpoint or at the Client Information 
> Endpoint.
> There are also a couple of related concepts that aren't tokens at all:
> 4) The client_id, which is issued to a "client" (or "client instance") by the 
> authorization server. This must be unique at the auth server for each client 
> instance. The client uses this client_id at the Authorization Endpoint and 
> the Token Endpoint in normal OAuth flows.
> 5) The client_secret, which is issued to a "client" (or "client instance") by 
> the auth server, for confidential clients (ie: clients that can protect their 
> client_secret). This is used by the client to authenticate to the Token 
> Endpoint and nowhere else.
> Which of these do you mean by a "client token"?
> -- Justin
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