It is my strong opinion that giving each execution a client_id makes things 
much worse. 

Again now we cant tell who the risky players are since each client is 
anonymized through registration process. 

This is just not securable by any means. IMHO. 


On 2013-05-28, at 8:42, Justin Richer <> wrote:

> The main problem comes with establishing the client_id across multiple auth 
> servers, not across multiple copies of the code. One of the key things that 
> the DynReg spec does is establish a client_id for a client at an AS, and 
> indeed the trigger condition for using it is generally "I'm a client and I 
> don't have a client_id for an AS that I want to talk to".
> Between yours and Torsten's comments, though, I think a discussion under the 
> security considerations is a good idea.
> -- Justin
> On 05/27/2013 02:46 PM, Phil Hunt wrote:
>> John/Josh,
>> I am afraid it is still not clear to me what is the value of implicit client 
>> dynamic registration. If you allow dynamic registration of a client, each 
>> client, then each client can specify random redirect_uri's.  This would seem 
>> to be a major issue. The whole point behind implicit flow is NO client 
>> authentication.  So what technical or operational benefit of registering an 
>> execution instance?
>> Maybe, the horse has left the barn. But I don't see that as a reason to 
>> standardize an unsafe or pointless practice. I'm not saying it is pointless. 
>> I'm just not clear on what the benefit is.
>> I am curious about Josh's use case.  How is the client code developed, 
>> distributed, and deployed?  Are there already inherent mechanisms where OOB 
>> deployment registration is easy to achieve?  IOW  Each client use can easily 
>> obtain an OOB client_id.   Josh expresses he needs to register, but the 
>> question I am asking is why?  It seems that in his case, the code being 
>> downloaded must be coming from a common trusted source. If so, what benefit 
>> is gained with dynamic registration for these clients. They should just use 
>> a static client_id -- even something akin to the initial client assertion 
>> Justin talks about.
>> From an operational aspect, issuing per execution context client_ids (and 
>> potential per client_id registration access tokens), etc per client seems to 
>> be wasteful for both the implicit client code and especially the AS/Resource 
>> SPs.
>> Phil
>> @independentid
>> On 2013-05-24, at 2:38 PM, John Bradley wrote:
>>> Phil,
>>> I think the horse is out of the barn on implicit flow.
>>> Many websites use implicit rather than code now, it is no worse, and 
>>> perhaps better than using code flow with a client that is not confidential( 
>>> though Dynamic registration can dix the public client code flow problem for 
>>> native apps etc)
>>> Implicit as you well know relies on registration of the redirect URI to 
>>> identify the client.   There may be multiple JS apps in browsers all using 
>>> JS from the same redirect URI, but I don't think that should preclude the 
>>> backend website from using an API to register.
>>> Turning off dynamic registration entirely for implicit flow is overkill.   
>>> A registration server is free to not allow dynamic registration of implicit 
>>> clients if that is it's policy.
>>> In general I have a hard time seeing implicit clients with a server 
>>> component using dynamic registration directly.   I suppose there may be 
>>> HTML5 based clients that are loaded as browser extensions and use implicit, 
>>> without having a server based redirect.   Those can be as long lived as any 
>>> native app.  If clean up is an issue it is one for code flow as well.
>>> John B.
>>> On 2013-05-24, at 2:35 PM, Phil Hunt <> wrote:
>>>> I wanted to bring out a quick discussion to ask the question if it makes 
>>>> sense to support implicit clients in dynamic registration.
>>>> By definition, implicit clients are unauthenticated. Therefore the only 
>>>> purpose to register an implicit client is to obtain a client_id with a 
>>>> particular AS instance.
>>>> A few issues to consider:
>>>> * Implicit clients typically run in browsers (javascript). Do we really 
>>>> want each occurrence of a browser running a client to register?
>>>>  --> This could mean even the same browser running implicit flow repeat 
>>>> times, would register repeatedly.
>>>>  --> If registration occurs per occurrence, what is the value?
>>>> * What use cases typically occur for deployment against different AS and 
>>>> Resource API instances?
>>>>  --> Eg. I can see a javascript component of a web site that uses a 
>>>> corresponding resource API.  So it may be possible that the javascript and 
>>>> the resource API are running in the same domain.   In this case, the 
>>>> javascript code, though written as part of a shared library/distribution, 
>>>> is still bound to a configured AS deployment.  Is it really dynamic? If 
>>>> this is the case, wouldn't an OOB registration that updates the client_id 
>>>> in the deployment be better suited?
>>>>  --> Are there any examples of javascript clients that need to connect to 
>>>> one or more AS servers on a truly dynamic basis?
>>>> * Is there a DOS attack possible (even unintentionally) because implicit 
>>>> clients will start to register frequently creating huge numbers of 
>>>> client_ids that cause spin-off provisioning issues depending on how AS 
>>>> registration, token, and policy systems are implemented?
>>>> Apparently OIDC and UMA had these profiles supported before, but I'm 
>>>> really trying to understand why implicit clients should have dynamic 
>>>> registration support.  Would appreciate any discussion on this.  At 
>>>> minimum, there are probably some security considerations we need to think 
>>>> through and document.
>>>> Thanks for your comments,
>>>> Phil
>>>> @independentid
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