Phil, thanks very much for writing this up and submitting it. As we had said on 
the design team call, I think it will make a lot of sense to keep both this 
draft and the existing dyn-reg in parallel as much as possible, and to abstract 
out elements with general applicability (like the software assertions / 
software ids components).

I look forward to moving ahead with both documents (or more, if we do abstract 
some pieces).

 -- Justin

On Jul 5, 2013, at 3:17 PM, Phil Hunt 
<<>> wrote:

FYI.  As discussed on the dynamic registration call, I have submitted an 
initial version of client registration based on a profile of OAuth and the SCIM 
provisioning API.

The draft attempts to work in parallel to the Dynamic Registration Draft (based 
on draft 12) and keeps many of the key features. It also defines a "Software" 
Assertion which allows organizations that publish software that is deployed in 
many environments (including cloud and enterprise) to work with developers and 
then have the client software be "recognized" by authorization servers in many 
different deployment environments.

The draft also defines a SCIM "Client" resource and its schema.

An outstanding issue that will have to be addressed in the SCIM WG is how they 
want to handle data value localization. So for the Human Readable data which 
needs to be localized from Dyn Reg, I've followed the same attribute naming 
format for now (using hashtags after the attribute name).



Begin forwarded message:

Subject: New Version Notification for draft-hunt-oauth-scim-client-reg-00.txt
Date: 5 July, 2013 11:41:34 AM PDT
To: Phil Hunt <<>>, Anthony 
Nadalin <<>>, Morteza Ansari 
<<>>, Tony Nadalin 

A new version of I-D, draft-hunt-oauth-scim-client-reg-00.txt
has been successfully submitted by Phil Hunt and posted to the
IETF repository.

Filename: draft-hunt-oauth-scim-client-reg
Revision: 00
Title: OAuth 2.0 SCIM Client Registration Profile
Creation date: 2013-07-05
Group: Individual Submission
Number of pages: 32

  This specification defines a SCIM endpoint used to register and
  provision OAuth 2.0 clients to access a OAuth 2.0 protected service
  API in a just-in-time fashion.  This draft profiles how a OAuth 2.0
  client may use SCIM and OAuth 2.0 to manage its registration.

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