Yes, these interop tests are being conducted under the auspices of OSIS, which 
is a working group of Identity Commons.  You can read about OSIS at  In particularly note this section:

What the OSIS Interops Are and Are Not
The OSIS Interops provide an opportunity for implementers to try their code 
against one another's in a systematic way, providing data to help improve their 
implementations. The OSIS Interops are not conformance tests. Participants do 
not "pass" or "fail". There is no requirement that you must support particular 
features to participate or that you must participate in all aspects of the 

                                                                -- Mike

From: Prateek Mishra []
Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2013 1:15 PM
To: Mike Jones
Cc: IETF oauth WG; Anthony Nadalin
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Fwd: [oauth-interop] scope and reach of testing activity

Thats a good suggestion; it looks the tests are all listed under

Is there an IP regime under which they have been published? I suppose all 
materials would follow OSIS rules in general.

- prateek
FYI, the implementations participating in the current round of OpenID Connect 
interop testing are described at  You'll see the list of 
the 110 feature tests by going to any of the solution pages, such as  While many are specific to 
OpenID Connect, you'll find that many are actually testing OAuth functionality. 
 For instance, the test Support Authentication to Token Endpoint using HTTP 
Basic with 
 is testing pure OAuth functionality.

                                                            -- Mike

[] On Behalf Of Anthony Nadalin
Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2013 4:22 AM
To: Prateek Mishra; IETF oauth WG
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Fwd: [oauth-interop] scope and reach of testing activity

One thing to look at are the OpenID Connect interop tests and the 
portions/flows of OAuth that it covers, as that is going on now.

[] On Behalf Of Prateek Mishra
Sent: Monday, October 7, 2013 2:39 PM
To: IETF oauth WG
Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Fwd: [oauth-interop] scope and reach of testing activity

Folks interested in OAuth interop/implementation testing may want to 
participate in this discussion.

Details at:

-------- Original Message --------

[oauth-interop] scope and reach of testing activity


Fri, 04 Oct 2013 16:48:50 -0700


Prateek Mishra <><>


Oracle Corporation


Hello OAuth Interop list,

I would be interested in kicking off a discussion around the definition

of scope and reach of the proposed testing activity.

OAuth interop, of course, is the core activity. I assume this would take

the form of testing the exchanges described

in Sections 4-6  of RFC 6749 for each of the different client and grant

types. Both positive and negative tests would presumably be included.

But OAuth is also a security specification, and there are constraints

defined over OAuth server and client behavior with respect to

redirect_uri checking,

access code and token lifetimes and so on. In addition to the material

in Sections 4-6, there are additional constraints described in

Section 10 and, of course, RFC 6819. So thats another area that would

benefit from a set of tests, but I can see that describing these tests

might be more challenging.

I would be interested in other opinions on the scope and nature of tests

being developed by this group.

- prateek


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