All output will be published back to the list for further discussion and 
approval in all cases.

 -- Justin

On Nov 5, 2013, at 3:28 PM, "Matt Miller (mamille2)" <>

> On Nov 5, 2013, at 3:01 PM, Richer, Justin P. <> wrote:
>> At the end of Monday's WG session here at IETF, Derek suggested that several 
>> of us who are here ought to get together and hash out some detailed 
>> solutions to Dyn-Reg and related issues in person while we have the 
>> opportunity. As such, I suggest that those of us who are interested get 
>> together either tomorrow after the morning plenary session or on Thursday 
>> after the JOSE session. I'm personally here for the remainder of the week so 
>> I'm open to other concrete suggestions as well.
>> I'm even willing to bring my laptop along and we can try doing live spec 
>> surgery if it comes to that.
> I fully support this action, but unfortunately I'm not sure I personally can 
> participate before Friday afternoon.  I'm not entirely sure how much benefit 
> I can provide directly, but am more than willing to review the output.
> - m&m
> Matt Miller < >
> Cisco Systems, Inc.

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