Hi all,

I'm looking to apply OAuth for a particular use case with a Javascript client 
and would like to get some guidance with this.  Bear with me as I'm new to this 

I have a Javascript client which needs to be deployed on a number of different 
sites for which we don't have control over the server-side code.  The client 
needs to obtain an access token to submit data to another 3rd party site on 
behalf of the user.  

We've looked at the Implicit Grant type 
(http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-4.2).  Our third party site hosts 
an Authorisation server and Resource Server.  The client provides a redirect 
URI to return the token to.  My understanding is that the redirect URI is a 
security measure to ensure the token is returned to an endpoint known to the 
Authorisation Server.  

However, in my case it is only the Javascript client that needs the token.  I 
can see how the token can be passed to the Javascript via step E in figure 4.  
However, we have limited control over the site hosting the Javascript 
('Web-hosted Client Resource' in Figure 4).  We can host Javascript but we 
can't easily alter any server-side code.  There's a danger that the server-side 
code will choke when it receives the redirect the URI containing the access 
token.  I'm wondering if there is a suitable workaround for this.  Can we 
dispense with the redirect URI or does this compromise security too far?  
Perhaps we should be looking at an implementing an alternative grant type?

Any help much appreciated.

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