Thanks Barry! I am very happy to hear that.

On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 9:01 PM, Barry Leiba <> wrote:
>>> Any idea, on the two Assertion Documents, if there is or will be any
>>> feedback from the IESG and, if so, what form it might take?
>> I'm sorry that I haven't been able to get to reviewing this yet --
>> I've had a bunch of pre-IETF travel, in addition to preparing for the
>> meeting.  I aim to have a look on the flights to London, so I hope to
>> get you feedback this Thursday.
> It's not Thursday yet, at least not in San Diego, but I've had time in
> the UA Club before flying out.  I haven't reviewed them in detail, but
> I looked through them with respect to the DISCUSS issues I'd raised
> before.
> You'll be happy to hear that on those issues, I think we understand
> each other and the current documents seem fine -- they define things
> in a way that I think people can implement interoperably without
> calling someone on the phone first.
> Thanks for sticking with this, understanding what I was on about, and
> sorting it out.
> Barry

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