+--------+                                  +---------------+
       |        |--(A)-- Authorization Request --->|               |
       |        |        + t(code_verifier), t     | Authorization |
       |        |                                  |    Endpoint   |
       |        |<-(B)---- Authorization Code -----|               |
       |        |                                  +---------------+
       | Client |                                     Authz Server
       |        |                                  +---------------+
       |        |--(C)--- Access Token Request --->|               |
       |        |          + code_verifier         |    Token      |
       |        |                                  |   Endpoint    |
       |        |<-(D)------ Access Token ---------|               |
       +--------+                                  +---------------+

                     Figure 2: Abstract Protocol Flow

Sakimura, et al.         Expires August 2, 2015                 [Page 4]
Internet-Draft                 oauth_pkce                   January 2015

   This specification adds additional parameters to the OAuth 2.0
   Authorization and Access Token Requests, shown in abstract form in
   Figure 1.

   A. The client creates and records a secret named the "code_verifier",
      and derives a transformed version "t(code_verifier)" (referred to
      as the "code_challenge") which is sent in the OAuth 2.0
      Authorization Request, along with the transformation method "t".
   B. The Authorization Endpoint responds as usual, but records
      "t(code_verifier)" and the transformation method.
   C. The client then sends the code in the Access Token Request as
      usual, but includes the "code_verifier" secret generated at (A).
   D. The authorization server transforms "code_verifier" and compares
      it to "t(code_verifier)" from (B).  Access is denied if they are
      not equal.

> On Jan 29, 2015, at 7:16 PM, Brian Campbell <bcampb...@pingidentity.com> 
> wrote:
> Works for me. The text below needs to be fixed up to match too.
> On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 3:14 PM, John Bradley <ve7...@ve7jtb.com 
> <mailto:ve7...@ve7jtb.com>> wrote:
> How about
>     +--------+                                  +---------------+
>     |        |--(A)-- Authorization Request --->|               |
>     |        |        + t(code_verifier), t     | Authorization |
>     |        |                                  |    Endpoint   |
>     |        |<-(B)- Authorization Code Grant --|               |
>     |        |                                  +---------------+
>     | Client |  
>     |        |                                  +---------------+
>     |        |--(C)--- Access Token Request --->|               |
>     |        |          + code_verifier         |    Token      |
>     |        |                                  |   Endpoint    |
>     |        |<-(D)------ Access Token ---------|               |
>     +--------+                                  +---------------
>> On Jan 29, 2015, at 7:01 PM, Brian Campbell <bcampb...@pingidentity.com 
>> <mailto:bcampb...@pingidentity.com>> wrote:
>> In SPOP/PKCE §1.1 [1] the figure and explanation have the authorization 
>> request going to the "Resource Owner" and goes on to say that 'the resource 
>> owner responds as usual, but records "t(code_verifier)" and the 
>> transformation method.' That's not what the resource owner does.
>> I know the protocol flow in RFC 6749 tries to have authorization grants be 
>> these abstract things that sorta come from the resource owner but, in the 
>> context of the the authorization request and authorization code grant type, 
>> it really doesn't work like that. The content in §1.1 seems, at best, to be  
>> more abstract and complicated than it needs to be and is bordering on being 
>> just kinda wrong.
>> The RO and AS boxes should probably be consolidated into just the AS. The RO 
>> could be omitted from the diagram, I think. Or stick it over with the 
>> client, if you really want it in there, and have it authenticating and 
>> approving authorization though an interaction with the AS. Or something like 
>> that...
>> [1] https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-spop-06#section-1.1 
>> <https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-spop-06#section-1.1>
>> 1.1 <https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-spop-06#section-1.1>.  
>> Protocol Flow
>>        +--------+                                  +---------------+
>>        |        |--(A)-- Authorization Request --->|               |
>>        |        |        + t(code_verifier), t     |   Resource    |
>>        |        |                                  |     Owner     |
>>        |        |<-(B)--- Authorization Grant -----|               |
>>        |        |                                  +---------------+
>>        | Client |
>>        |        |                                  +---------------+
>>        |        |--(C)--- Access Token Request --->|               |
>>        |        |          + code_verifier         | Authorization |
>>        |        |                                  |     Server    |
>>        |        |<-(D)------ Access Token ---------|               |
>>        +--------+                                  +---------------+
>>                      Figure 2: Abstract Protocol Flow
>>    This specification adds additional parameters to the OAuth 2.0
>>    Authorization and Access Token Requests, shown in abstract form in
>>    Figure 1.
>>    A. The client creates and records a secret named the "code_verifier",
>>       and derives a transformed version "t(code_verifier)" (referred to
>>       as the "code_challenge") which is sent in the OAuth 2.0
>>       Authorization Request, along with the transformation method "t".
>>    B. The resource owner responds as usual, but records
>>       "t(code_verifier)" and the transformation method.
>>    C. The client then sends the code to the Access Token Request as
>>       usual, but includes the "code_verifier" secret generated at (A).
>>    D. The authorization server transforms "code_verifier" and compares
>>       it to "t(code_verifier)" from (B).  Access is denied if they are
>>       not equal.

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