Yeah, I know its risky, but that's the requirement. Was just wondering if there was any protocol work being done around it, so that we could avoid doing a lot of the legwork to make it safe/effective. Currently for us, we need to do this between two separate IDPs, which is where the protocol work comes in...If it was just a single IDP managing everything, then it would just be an internal custom IDP feature.

Thanks all.

On 2/16/2015 12:37 AM, Bill Mills wrote:
User impersonation is very very risky.  The legal aspects of it must be
considered.  There's a lot of work to do to make it safe/effective.

Issuing a scoped token that allows ready only access can work with the
above caveats.  Then properties/componenets have to explicitly support
the new scope and do the right thing.

On Sunday, February 15, 2015 8:34 PM, Justin Richer <> wrote:

For this case you'd want to be very careful about who was able to do
such impersonation, obviously, but it's doable today with custom IdP
behavior. You can simply use OpenID Connect and have the IdP issue an id
token for the target user instead of the "actual" current user account.

I would also suggest considering adding a custom claim to the id token
to indicate this is taking place. That way you can differentiate where
needed, including in logs.

-- Justin

/ Sent from my phone /

-------- Original message --------
From: Bill Burke <>
Date:02/15/2015 10:55 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: oauth <>
Subject: [OAUTH-WG] user impersonation protocol?

We have a case where we want to allow a logged in admin user to
impersonate another user so that they can visit differents browser apps
as that user (So they can see everything that the user sees through
their browser).

Anybody know of any protocol work being done here in the OAuth group or
some other IETF or even Connect effort that would support something like



Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

OAuth mailing list

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Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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